IEEE CTS PE/PEL/IE/IA Societies, Austin Joint Chapter, “2014 NEC Code Change Workshop”

#IEEE #Central #Texas #Section #Power #& #Energy #Electronics #Industrial #Applications #Austin #Joint #Chapter #NEC #“2014 #Code #Change #Workshop”

**IEEE CTS PE/PEL/IE/IA Societies, Austin Joint Chapter**
**2014 NEC Code Change Workshop**

This day-long workshop will provide updates on recent changes to the National Electrical Code (NEC) that will take effect in 2014. The class will be taught by James Stallcup, a nationally renowned author, instructor and expert on matters pertaining to the NEC. The workshop will also include displays and presentations by various electrical industry suppliers. The workshop is intended for electrical engineers, electrical designers, electricians and estimators.

The cost for the workshop (on or before September 25, 2013) will be:

* $175.00 IEEE Members, Seniors, Fellows
* $225.00 Non-IEEE Members
* $85.00 IEEE Student Members
* $80.00 IEEE Life Members, Seniors, Fellows

After September 25, 2013, the cost of the workshop will be $20.00 more for each category above.

If you are not an IEEE member, now would be a great time to join so you can enjoy the substantial discount above for membership!

The workshop fee includes:

* Continental Breakfast
* Break Refreshments
* Lunch
* “??Illustrated Code Changes, 2014 Edition??” by James Stallcup (the book alone sells for more than $100)

**You MUST preregister and prepay for this event.**
**Please note the important registration instructions below:**

To guarantee receipt of “??Illustrated Code Changes, 2014 Edition??” by James Stallcup, you must register and pay before September 25, 2013.

To register online, click on "+Click Here to Register+" below. This will take you to a webpage where you can fill in your registration information. When you have completed the form, click one of the two buttons at the bottom of the form. If you would like to pay for the event with a credit card or PayPay, click the "+Register and pay the fee now+" button. You will be directed to a webpage where you can make your payment. If you would like to pay for the event with a check **prior to September 25**, click the "+Register and pay the fee at the meeting+" button. Then, click the link below to obtain the mail-in form and instructions:

"Mail-In Form":

If you have registered and elected to pay by check, but subsequently decide to pay by credit card or PayPal, re-register per the instructions above for credit card payment. We will eliminate any duplicate unpaid registrations.

All cancellation and refund requests must be submitted in writing prior to September 30, 2013, to: James Mercier, IEEE, 518 Academy Drive, Austin, TX 78704. There will be a 20% processing fee charged for all refunds.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 04 Oct 2013
  • Time: 07:30 AM to 05:00 PM
  • All times are (GMT-06:00) US/Central
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 12513 FM-1625
  • Creedmoor, Texas
  • United States 78610
  • Building: Creedmoor Community Center

  • Contact Event Host
  • Co-sponsored by James Mercier
  • Starts 27 April 2013 08:00 AM
  • Ends 29 September 2013 11:00 PM
  • All times are (GMT-06:00) US/Central
  • Admission fee ?


James Stallcup James Stallcup of Grayboy, Inc.


2014 NEC Code Changes

This workshop will provide updates on recent changes to the National Electrical Code (NEC) that will take effect in 2014. The workshop is intended for electrical engineers, electrical designers, electricians and estimators.

Biography: Mr. Stallcup is a nationally recognized author, instructor and expert on the National Electrical Code (NEC). He has authored more than a dozen books. During his long and prestigious career, he has served as the Chief Electrical Inspector for Ft. Worth TX, President of the Electrical Section of NFPA, Chairman for Code Making Panels 14 and 15, Chairman of the EECA Committee (Electrical Equipment in Chemical Atmospheres) and a Principal Member of the 70E Committee (Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces). He maintains a number of licenses and certifications, including Master Electrician, and has been the recipient of numerous awards from his peers and the electrical industry.


Date: Friday, October 4, 2013

Time: 7:30AM-5:00PM

* 07:30AM-08:00AM Registration, Continental Breakfast, Networking

* 08:00AM-08:15AM Opening & Introduction

* 08:15AM-10:00AM Workshop Segment #1

* 10:00AM-10:15AM Break & Supplier Displays

* 10:15AM-12:00PM Workshop Segment #2

* 12:00PM-01:00PM Lunch, Presentation & Supplier Displays

* 01:00PM-03:00PM Workshop Segment #3

* 03:00PM-03:15PM Break & Supplier Displays

* 03:15PM-04:30PM Workshop Segment #4

* 04:30PM-05:00PM Wrap-Up & Adjournment