Women In Engineering: IEEE women and men using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity
Dear all,
Next Tuesday 19 May 2020 at 18:00, the session Women In Engineering: IEEE women and men using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity.
Women are generally under-represented in the fields of engineering and science, in academia and in the engineering and science professions. Nevertheless many women have contributed to the diverse fields of engineering and science today and historically. IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science. IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Throughout this session. Lisa Lazareck presents the affinity group, the mission and purpose of this global network and some experiences of the actions that are carried out in this IEEE group.
This event is organized from the UNED, led by its Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Emprendimiento, in combination with the Student Branch of the IEEE of the UNED, will develop a new activity with the participation of students who belong to the Branch, in collaboration with other Vicerrectorados de la UNED (Investigación e Internacionalización, Centros Asociados), the Associate Center of Madrid at its headquarters in Las Tablas, the Schools of Industrial Engineering, Computer Science and the Faculty of Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Environment), the Teaching Innovation Project (PID) for Teaching Innovation Groups (GID) of the UNED, GID2016-17 "Laboratorios de STEM y robótica educativa para la mejora de la experiencia del estudiante – STEM‐SEC", the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society and Plaza Robotica.
We are waiting for you.
Receive a cordial greeting,
The IEEE Student Branch at UNED.
Date and Time
- Date: 19 May 2020
- Time: 06:00 PM to 06:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
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- Co-sponsored by Plaza Robotica
- Starts 11 May 2020 06:19 PM
- Ends 19 May 2020 06:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
- No Admission Charge
Dr. Lisa Lazareck-Asunta, IEEE WIE Chair 2019-2020 of IEEE
Main Agenda
Lisa is a 20-year Senior Member of the IEEE and has been an elected and appointed volunteer for the Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS) since 2003 and Women In Engineering (WIE) since 2015. Lisa’s background is electrical engineering (BSc, MSc, DPhil) and her expertise includes biomedical signal processing; public engagement with science and engineering; and charitable grant funding.
Here is a recent article about me in IEEE Spectrum (published 5 May 2020):
- IEEE WIE presentation
- Mission and Vision
- Best practices in IEEE WIE