An Introduction on AEL Programming in Keysight’s ADS Software
Online Workshop
Application Extension Language (AEL) is a general-purpose programming language, modeled after the popular C programming language. AEL is used to configure, customize and extend the capabilities of the design environment. Like C, AEL has an extensive set of built-in function libraries, including functions for file input/output, math, string manipulation, list handling, and database query.
During this workshop, a foundation of AEL programming and its features will be laid by Keysight Application Engineer Mr. Sans.
Date and Time
- Date: 09 Feb 2021
- Time: 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) Canada/Eastern
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- Montreal, Quebec
- Canada
- Contact Event Hosts
- Co-sponsored by IEEE_MTL, Keysight Technologies, STARaCom
- Starts 01 February 2021 09:17 AM
- Ends 09 February 2021 07:00 AM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) Canada/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
Arnaldo J Sans of KEYSIGHT Technology
AJ is an Application Engineer for Keysight’s Services organization for EEsof in the Americas. Keysight–EEsof Services provides a very extensive portfolio of services that includes but not limited to devices modeling, device characterization measurements, 1/f measurements, PDK development and customization in all Keysight EDA tools to the Americas and EMEAI based customers.
Arnaldo J (AJ) joined the Agilent / Keysight Team in 2000, prior to joining Keysight he was an RF Designer working military radar systems at Lockheed Martin. He also developed RF receiver circuits for airborne radar systems at Honeywell Inc.
He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from The University of Connecticut (UCONN) and a MS in Electrical Engineering from Florida International University (FIU).
A participation certificate will be provided for tha attendees after the workshop.