IEEE PES ESPAÑA | [WEBINAR(3º) 27.5.2021] The Energy Transition | Analysis of new market models in Europe
IEEE PES ESPAÑA | [WEBINAR(3º) 27.5.2021] The Energy Transition | Analysis of new market models in Europe
IEEE PES ESPAÑA continues to held the [Webinar] series on the topic
The energy transition towards a decarbonized economy will present a relevant challenge and a crucial transformation faced by our Society; Decelerating climate change effects is becoming a moral commitment.
As a society, we are part of the decarbonized energy process that goes through the electrification of the economy and it is supported by renewables within a sustainable energy model.
This means a change of paradigm which heads towards an immediate exciting future full of challenges at all levels associated with flexibility in its widest conception. It is assumed that a change of paradigm, that requires changing the focus from active based asset management towards the digitalization that ensures resiliency and security for the future electric systems.
In this context, we need to contribute and stimulate the exchange of ideas from different perspectives and experiences, creating a framework of reflection through these series of webinars. The expected benefit and impact is the identification of opportunities within the complexity associated with the change of paradigm.
The next [Webinar] will be delivered as follows.
Title: Analysis of new market models in Europe
Speaker: Dr. Tomás Gómez San Román (Comillas Universidad Pontificia)
Summary: Distributed energy resources (DER) connected to distribution networks may become an important flexibility source to support the operation of a highly decarbonized electricity system based on renewables. The Clean Energy Package European legislation mandates Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to take advantage of these flexibility resources by integrating them in both planning and operation tools using market mechanisms to select the most efficient ones. In addition, in Europe, the digitalization of networks together with the implementation of smart metering allow consumers and DSOs to know almost in real time load and generation patterns. Taking advantage of that, new digital platforms that implement new market models are arising. Under these market models, and by using these platforms, consumers and aggregators exploiting flexible distributed resources can provide services to DSOs and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) or trade energy between them. In this presentation, European platforms and initiatives for new market models are analyzed and compared in terms of the provided services and functions they perform, the required coordination between system operators (TSOs and DSOs), their ownership, and their interrelations with existing markets. In this webinar, we will review the role of grid-connected power converters, paying special attention to the most critical aspects when they work as grid-following converters, i.e., injecting current into a given voltage source provided by the grid, and as grid-forming converters, i.e., energizing an electrical grid ‘from scratch’ and regulating its operation when heterogeneous generators and loads are connected. We will see how grid forming-converters might be understood as an electronic implementation of the well-known synchronous generators, but well also evidence that not all the features and operation principles of an electromechanical machine invented in the IXX century are of interest to conform the electrical power systems of the future. In this webinar we will present the operation principle and controllers of a preferred implementation for a grid-forming converters, assessing the services provided to the grid (inertia emulation, power oscillations damping, voltage/frequency regulation, power quality improvement, island operation, black-start, …) under different operation conditions and applications.
Date: May 27th, 2021
Time: 18:00 -19:30
Language: English
The participation in this [Webinar] is open to everyone including both PES Mermbers and non-Members. However, it is necessary to REGISTER in order to receive the [Webinar] access link and URL to WebEx. The registration link to this [Webinar(3º) 27.5.2021] is
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Looking forward to hearing you.
Kind regards,
Xose M. López-Fernández
Presidente, IEEE PES Capítulo Español
Date and Time
- Date: 27 May 2021
- Time: 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
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- Co-sponsored by RedINtransf
- Starts 22 May 2021 11:44 AM
- Ends 27 May 2021 11:30 AM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
- No Admission Charge
Analysis of new market models in Europe
Tomás Gómez San Román is a professor of Electrical Engineering at the Engineering School of Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, Spain. He obtained the Degree of Doctor Ingeniero Industrial from Universidad Politécnica, Madrid, in 1989, and the Degree of Ingeniero Industrial in Electrical Engineering from Comillas in 1982. He joined the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) in 1984. He has served as Director of IIT, and Vice-Rector of Research, Development, and Innovation of Comillas. Prof. Gómez has a large experience in industry joint research projects in the field of Electric Energy Systems in collaboration with Spanish, Latin American, and European institutions. He has been project manager and/or principal investigator in more than 80 research projects. His areas of interest are operation and planning of transmission and distribution systems, power quality assessment and regulation, and economic and regulatory issues in the electrical power sector. He has published more than 100 articles in different specialized magazines such as IEEE PES Transactions and Conference proceedings, and has co-authored the book «Electricity Economics: Regulation and Deregulation» in Wiley-IEEE Press. He is a senior member of IEEE. He is president of the Council of the Power System Computation Conference and belongs or has belonged to the Technical Committees of other Conferences: Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems and IEEE Power Tech. He has been visiting researcher at the Energy Analysis Department of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. From May 2011 to October 2013 he served as commissioner at the Spanish Energy Regulatory Commission (CNE).
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