CTS LM-CTCN-ED Oct 19, 2021 Meeting - Wireless Communication 2021 Update
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Date and Time
- Date: 19 Oct 2021
- Time: 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-06:00) US/Central
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- Austin , Texas
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- Starts 29 September 2021 01:01 AM
- Ends 18 October 2021 05:01 PM
- All times are (GMT-06:00) US/Central
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Sarah LaSelva of IEEE Central Texas Section Life Member Affinity Group
Wireless Communications 2021: An Industry Update
The wireless industry is currently undergoing the biggest evolution in the last 10 years with the development and deployment of 5G. But 5G is not the only new technology emerging. New standards like ORAN and WiFi6 are also disrupting the entire ecosystem. Add the infrastructure pressures brought on by the global pandemic and a shift to work from home, and it's easy to say that this is one of the most exciting times in history to be a wireless engineer. This presentation will give an overview of where the industry is in the 5G roll out, what is coming next for 5G, what ORAN is and how it's changing our networks, where WiFi6 fits into the picture, and what areas lead researchers are starting to explore for 6G.
The wireless industry is currently undergoing the biggest evolution in the last 10 years with the development and deployment of 5G. But 5G is not the only new technology emerging. New standards like ORAN and WiFi6 are also disrupting the entire ecosystem. Add the infrastructure pressures brought on by the global pandemic and a shift to work from home, and it's easy to say that this is one of the most exciting times in history to be a wireless engineer. This presentation will give an overview of where the industry is in the 5G roll out, what is coming next for 5G, what ORAN is and how it's changing our networks, where WiFi6 fits into the picture, and what areas lead researchers are starting to explore for 6G.
Address:Austin, Texas, United States,
The Austin Life Members Group meets monthly. Except when meeting jointly with other groups, the Life Members meet on the third Tuesday each month. Meetings usually begin with informal networking from 6:00 to 6:15 p.m., followed by presentations from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. by experts in topics of interest to IEEE Life Members. Our meetings are open to the public. We will be conducting virtual meeting from now to Oct 2021.