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EXCOM Meeting: Budgeting Process and Outreach Program
A visit to the National Museum of World War II Aviation on 12 Jun 2021 resulted in a recent presentation, given on 28 Jul 2022, given by Vern Patterson (Col-Ret, USAF), Branch Manager, Interactive Exhibits, National Museum of WWII Aviation (Student WWII Aircraft Simulation Projects At National Museum of WWII Aviation (Student WWII Aircraft Simulation Projects At National Museum of WWII Aviation : vTools Events (,
The presentation and meeting was jointly sponsored by the IEEE Pikes Peak Section’s Life Member Affinity Group, the IEEE Pikes Peak Section’s Computer Society and the IEEE Pikes Peak Section.
The purpose of this meeting is funding for outreach activities from the IEEE Pikes Peak Section. The initial and primary focus for this meeting is WWII simulation projects with IEEE UCCS student branch and IEEE Pikes Peak Section member involvement for the National Museum of WWII Aviation.
Please RSVP to me by 22 Aug 2022.
Date and Time
- Date: 23 Aug 2022
- Time: 11:30 PM UTC to 01:00 AM UTC
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The agenda for this meeting is:
Introduction - John Santiago
Presentation of Proposed WWII Simulation Project – David Bondurant
Treasurer and Budget Report for Section – John Reinert
Discussion on other outreach activities (if time permits)