Exploring the math in Support Vector Machines
Free Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/exploring-the-math-in-support-vector-machines-tickets-425130124647
“SVMs are a rare example of a methodology where geometric intuition, elegant mathematics, theoretical guarantees, and practical algorithms meet” – Bennet and Campbell
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are used for supervised machine learning and have been successful in many applications including those like image classification that favor deep learning. SVM owes its power to the intriguing math involved in its fabrication. This talk will introduce SVM and cover some of that math. Topics covered will include constrained and unconstrained optimization, convexity, the general notion of a function space, minmax equilibrium, duality, Cover theorem, Kernels, and Mercer theorem.
Date and Time
- Date: 05 Oct 2022
- Time: 01:15 AM UTC to 03:00 AM UTC
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Dr Pendyala
Exploring the math in Support Vector Machines
Dr. Vishnu S. Pendyala is a faculty member of the Department of Applied Data Science at San Jose State University and is the Chair of the IEEE Computer Society, Silicon Valley Chapter.
Dr. Pendyala is with the Applied Data Science department at SJSU