Southwest MO IEEE - Section Status, Planning and Business for Our Members
Southwest MO IEEE - Section Status, Planning and Business for Our Members
This is a current State of the Section and Future of the Section planning meeting for our Section members. The section officers will cover the section finances, the past section meeting topics and attendance, Section area (Springfield, Joplin, College of the Ozarks, student engagement, officer elections and future plans/activities. All members or potential members are encouraged to partipate in person or via the virtual Zoom link. John Riediger, Joplin Area Vice Chair will facitate the meeting. Lunch items from Qdoba will be provided at Springfield location.
Joplin: ALLGEIER, MARTIN and ASSOCIATES, INC. (Conference Room 104) 7231 East 24th St, Joplin, MO 64804; John Ridieger POC
College of Ozarks/Branson: Room 308 in the Dee Ann White Engineering Center on College of the Ozarks; Geof Akers POC
Light food and refreshments will be served at these locations
Date and Time
- Date: 27 Oct 2022
- Time: 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Add Event to Calendar
- 405 Jefferson Ave
- Springfield, Missouri
- United States 65806
- Building: Robert Plaster Free Enterprise Bldg
- Room Number: PCTR 1034
- Contact Event Host
-; John Riediger; Geoff Akers
- Co-sponsored by Southwest Missouri IEEE, Steve Lien, Tayo Obafemi Ajayi, John Riediger, Geof Akers
- Starts 15 October 2022 10:00 AM
- Ends 27 October 2022 12:15 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
John Riediger of Algier, Martin & Associates
Southwest MO IEEE - Section Status, Planning and Business for Our Members
Section Status, Planning and Business for Our Members
John Riediger is serving as the SW MO Section Vice Chair for the Joplin MO area. John is the Vice President Electrical Engineering at Algier, Martin & Associates in Joplin MO.
Address:7231 E 24th St., , Joplin, Missouri, United States, 64804
- Welcome: John Riediger
- Chair Report: Steve Lien
- Section Finances: Damien Burbage
- College of the Ozarks Report: Geoff Akers
- Joplin Report: John Riediger
- MSU Report (students): Theresa Odun-Ayo
- Elections/Leadership Position Overview: Steve Lien
- Future Plans/Open Forum: John Riediger - 1) Future Speaker Topics; 2) What you can do for IEEE/What IEEE can do for you; 3) Student benefits of IEEE membership; 4) Section Leadership; 5) Open New Topics
Southwest MO IEEE - Section Status, Planning and Business for Our Members