Dec. 13 Susquehanna Section LM Dinner/Presentation: PA STARNet P25 Public Safety Radio Network
Dec. 13 Susquehanna Section LM Dinner/Presentation: PA STARNet P25 Public Safety Radio Network
You and your friends are invited to the Susquehanna Section/Life Member Affinity Group's first in person dinner/presentation, since the start of COVID. This event is also open to all students. Robert Barnham, Director Statewide Radio Network Division, Pennsylvania State Police, will present details on the Pennsylvania's state of the art Digital public safety radio network. This network connects all 26 PA agencies It permits any local Police, Fire and EMS legacy radio networks to communicate with any other Police, Fire and EMS departments across the state. This presentation will provide an overview and updates on the statewide P25 radio system. Topics will include general information, history leading up to the decision to upgrade to P25, status, lessons learned, and an opportunity for questions and answers.
There is a fee for dinner. The presentation is free for guests who are not attending dinner. Registration is required for either the dinner/presentaion or just the free presentation. Dinner fees are refundable up to 24 hours before the dinner. Parking is only free in the lot directly west of the Olmstead Building near the campus power station. There is a fee to park in any other lot.
Agenda Arrival 5:30pm Dinner 6:00pm Presentation 6:30pm Q&A 7:30pm
Dinner fees: $10 students $10 Life Members $20 members or guests $0 for just the presentation
Dinner Menu
Cedar-brined smoked turkey
Poasted garlic mashed potatoes
Honey ginger carrots
Green salad with ranch dressing
Ice water and iced tea
Date and Time
- Date: 13 Dec 2022
- Time: 05:30 PM to 08:30 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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- Penn State University Harrisburg campus
- Middletown, Pennsylvania
- United States
- Building: Olmstead Building
- Room Number: W107
- Starts 19 November 2022 12:02 PM
- Ends 11 December 2022 01:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- 0 in-person spaces left!
- Admission fee ?
Robert Barnham of PA STARNet P25 public safety radio network
PA STARNet public safety radio network
Robert Barnham is Director for the Pennsylvania Statewide Radio Network Division, Pennsylvania State Police. He s actively managing the P25 upgrade initiative and has overseen development and testing of the statewide system, including software acceptance, coverage testing, and system deployment. In addition to working with agencies to design and implement multidiscipline and multi-jurisdiction interoperability solutions, he supervises all business units within the Statewide Radio Network Division, including network management, physical infrastructure, system engineering, GIS, and regulatory compliance. As Director, he manages the statewide public safety integrated voice and data network that is utilized by multiple state agencies, counties and business partners, he manages the infrastructure to support local access for public safety.
Mr. Barnham has over 30 years of experience in radio telecommunications with approximately half of that time working in the private sector and the remainder working in the public sector on the development of Pennsylvania's integrated voice and data communications network.
He has a degree in specialized technology from Electronics Institutes, Harrisburg campus, and has completed certification training on GE Marc V trunked radio technology introduced by GE in the early 1980s, which served as the pilot proof of concept for trunked radio technology. He also has certification training on the Motorola ASTRO 25 Integrated voice and data trunked radio networks and EF Johnson Logic Trunked Radio (LTR) systems.
He has participated in several large-scale police communications events including the 2009 G20 meetings in Pittsburgh, Hurricane Sandy response in 2012, and, the Eric Fein Manhunt in 2014. Previous speaking engagements include the Pennsylvania Statewide Interoperbility Summit in 2007, Pennsylvania APCO conference in 20212, Pennsylvania Public Safety Comminicatons Council in 2013 and APCO International in 2014.
In 2015 Robert was designated to serve as acting Director for the Pennsylvania Statewide Radio Network Division, Pennsylvania State Police and was appointed to be the Director on January 30, 2016.
5:30pm Guest Arrival
6:00pm Dinner
6:30pm Presentation
7:30pm Q&A