Good Practices from Robotics for Equality and Democracy Project Tunisia

#IEEE #SIGHT #HTB #ICT4D #Humanitarian #Technologies #Supporting #Local #Communities #Robotics #STEM

The IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Ad Hoc Committee on SIGHT Best Practices is cooperating with a number of IEEE OUs including IEEE Philadelphia Section SIGHT, IEEE SSIT IST-Africa SIGHT, IEEE Bahrain Section SIGHT, IEEE Karachi SIGHT, IEEE UK and Ireland SSIT Chapter and IEEE UK and Ireand Robotics and Automation Chapter to organise this Lecture as part of a Series of Best Practices Webinars

IEEE Members, SIGHT Members and SSIT Members as well as non-IEEE Members are invited to Register and participate. IEEE Members should include their IEEE Membership Number when registering.

This Webinar will take place online at 10am Eastern Time / 3pm GMT+1 on Wednesday 17 May. Click here to convert to your local time

Registered participants will be provided with the link prior to the event. 


Robotics for Equality and Democracy is a STEM and educational robotics program deployed in Tunisia public schools as a partnership between a local IEEE SIGHT Tunisia Chapter and the academic inspection for primary education of Dar Chaabane II, Nabeul, Tunisia republic. This lecture will describe the program implementation's main steps covering alignment with local educational system policies and regulations, the educator’s training, the organization of the learner’s activities and their assessments based on a project based methodology. The IEEE STEM portal and the Try-Engineering lesson plans were the main resources used to build the teaching/training materials. The  program was initially developed as extracurricular clubs, before being adopted for curricula activities for technology education. 

  Date and Time




  • Date: 17 May 2023
  • Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
  • All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Starts 17 April 2023 01:26 PM
  • Ends 17 May 2023 09:00 AM
  • All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • No Admission Charge


Prof. Nizar Rokbani


Dr. Nizar Rokbani is an Assit Prof. University of Sousse, Tunisia and an IEEE Senior member. He has served in several volunteering positions in IEEE RAS and SMC Tunisia Chapters since 2009. He has organised the IEEE Robocomp robotics competition from 2010 to 2015. He is very active in promoting open hard electronics with a specific focus on robotics and related applications. He is very active in promoting STEM and early engineering activities. His research interests include applications of intelligent techniques such as Swarm intelligence, computational intelligence, fuzzy logic, evolutionary algorithms to robotic systems and industrial processes. 
Dr. Rokbani received several IEEE awards including the Meritorious Achievement Award in Pre-University Education, IEEE Educational Activities Board 2019, IEEE, USA. “For significantly increasing the impact of the IEEE Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) in Tunisia through the Robotics for Democracy program”; The   IEEE R8 Chapter of the year 2019 Award; and the  IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Chapter of the Year Award, 2017.


10am - 10:40am ET / 3pm - 3:30pm GMT+1 Introduction and Presentation

10:40 - 11am ET / 3:30pm - 4pm GMT+1 Discussion, Q&A