Field Trip: Communications for Emergency Response @ Iroquio Point, Eva Beach, Oahu (REVISED)

#ARRLFD #AmatuerRadio #Communications #EmergencyCommunications #ARES

The Emergency Amateur Radio Club of Hawai`i operates its club call sign, KH6CE, on portable power, from the Pacific.
`Ewa Beach, HI: The Emergency Amateur Radio Club of Hawai`i (EARC-HI) invites you to attend its annual Field Day on June 24th & 25th at Kapilina Beach Homes.  This international event hosted by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), is the single most popular on-the-air event in the US and Canada.  On the fourth weekend of June of each year, thousands of radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.  Field Day is a picnic, practice for emergencies, an informal contest and, most of all, FUN!
The EARC-HI Field Day is open to the general public and intends to operate from 0800 HST on Saturday, June 24th, until 1059 HST on Sunday, June 25th.  Kapilina Beach Homes, a private residential community, at the former Iroquois Point, is host for this year's event.  The venue offers ample parking, spacious lawn, relaxing beach, access to a nearby convenience store and restaurant, and picturesque views of Diamond Head and the Honolulu skyline.  See the attached for specific instructions regarding the location and additional rules.
Whether you are a seasoned ham, newly licensed, thinking about getting licensed, or just curious to learn more about amateur radio — Field Day has something for everyone:
  • The KH6CE event operating stations, facilitated by KH6WG and KH6HT, will be available for those interested in attempting to make event contacts or to learn about HF or high frequency propagation.
  • All are welcome to bring their radio and electronic equipment to "show-n-tell."  Don't forget to let us know you're en route via the talk-in frequency, 146.520 MHz (simplex).
  • An on-site exam session will occur on Saturday at 1000 HST for those interested in taking an exam to get their initial license or to upgrade their license.
  • Lunch on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday will graciously be provided by the EARC-HI.
  • There is no shortage of opportunities to network and socialize, but please join us for a potluck dinner on Saturday evening.  Please bring something to share.
  • Likewise, as we anticipate the largest crowd to gather on Saturday evening, plan to join us for a group photo at 1800 HST, right before the potluck.
American Radio Relay League: The national association for Amateur Radio in the USA, representing over 170,000 FCC-licensed Amateurs.  The ARRL is the primary source of information about what is going on in ham radio.  It provides books, news, support and information for individuals and clubs, special events, continuing education classes and other benefits for its members.  For more information on ARRL Field Day, visit
The President of the EARC-HI, Steve Kawamae (KH6WG), can be contacted via email at or via phone at (808) 754-9217.
For event specific inquiries you may also contact Pono Higa (WH6CPH) via email at or via phone at (808) 457-7243.


  Date and Time




  • Start time: 24 Jun 2023 09:30 PM UTC
  • End time: 25 Jun 2023 07:59 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Kapilina Beach Homes
  • Iroquoi Point
  • Eva Beach, Hawaii
  • United States

  • Hawaii Section Chapter, COM19/SP01/C16
  • Hawaii Section Affinity Group,LM
  • Contact Event Hosts
  • President of the EARC-HI, Steve Kawamae (KH6WG), email at or phone at (808) 754-9217.

  • Co-sponsored by Emergency Amateur Radio Club of Hawaii (EARC-HI)
  • Starts 08 May 2023 11:59 PM UTC
  • Ends 24 June 2023 07:00 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge