Text mining - Advances with AI
Please note the change in location to Georgia Tech university campus. The new venue is Marcus Nanotechnology Research Center located at:
Marcus Nanotechnology Bldg, 345 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
You can park at Area 4 - Visitor Parking, Atlanta, GA 30313 right across this building on the other side of Ferst Dr.
Abstract: Text mining is known for decades and researchers applied several methods to improve the accuracies, and time complexity. We addressed a few text mining issues, visualized through graph patterns and obtained the solutions that delivered more accurate results. Reducing the time complexity by filtering using classification, and iterative methods it is found that text mining can be extended to several domains and data sets.
Date and Time
- Date: 30 May 2023
- Time: 10:00 PM UTC to 11:30 PM UTC
Add Event to Calendar
- 345 Ferst Dr NW
- Atlanta, Georgia
- United States 30318
- Building: Marcus Nanotechnology Research Center
- Room Number: 1117-1118
Prof. Lakshminarayana of Andhra University
Text mining - Advances with AI
Prof. Lakshminarayana is working as Professor in the same department, where I did my Ph. D in Computer Science. He served as Principal Scientist in CSIR-India for 38 years, Regional officer in All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) New Delhi, Officer at National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi. Led and participated in several International projects, associated with several educational institutes and
Industry. Authored 40+ research papers in national and international journals. 300+ Technical Reports and few book Chapters too. One granted US Patent and two published.
He was the Head of Regional office for technical education in for Northwestern Region (comprising of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir) in India. He was the convener for several fact-finding visits of National Board of Accreditation (NBA) of AICTE similar to ABET. Convener for grant of Approvals Committee for Undergraduate Technical Education. Member
State Level Technical Education Boards of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir. Member, Fee committees for technical institutions (appointed by His Excellencies Governors of various State Governments). Attended a meeting with H.E. President Abdul Kalam the Hon. President of India.
Participated in several meetings/prepared several documents related to India for singing in Washington Accord in technical education. Participated in several technical meets for FDI in technical education conducted by Ministry of HRD and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) meetings in India. Fellow of AP State Academy of Sciences, Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Fellow of IETE India, Senior Life Member CSI, India, Life Member ISTE, Life Member, AGU.
IEEE roles:
Chair IEEE Vizag Bay Section 2021-2022
Vice-Chair IEEE Hyderabad Section – 2020
Vice-Chair Branding and Members Benefit - 2023 India Council
Chair Sub-Sections' and Chapters' Co-ordination Committee IEEE Hyderabad Section 2020
Petitioner for Vizag Bay Sub-Section Elevation to Full Section
Founder Chair IEEE Vizag Bay Section
Founder Secretary, IEEE Vizag Bay Sub-Section
Former Chair IEEE Vizag Bay Sub Section
Former Vice-Chair (Technical Activities) IEEE India Council
EC Member IEEE Hyderabad Section 2018, 2019
EC Member IEEE Vizag Bay Sub-Section 2017,2018
Member Conference Committee, IEEE Hyderabad Section 2017,2018
Former Sub Editor Synapse IEEE Hyderabad Section.
Chair Publications Committee INDISCON-2020
Chair Publications Committee ICISGT-2019
Chair Organizing Committee ICISGT-2019
General Chair ICISSGT – 2021
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General Chair for two more IEEE Technically sponsored conferences in this geographical area.
Member India Council Bye-Laws Amendment Committee - 2022