#events #virtual #quiz #upcoming #membership #ieeervrjc #drive #ies #technical #ieee

This event has been conducted by IES Chapter of IEEE RVRJC Student Branch on 31/05/2023 at 18:30 IST. The event has been hosted by G.Ashritha,Publicity Head,IES Chapter. Thereafter, Dr. Tripura Pidikiti,Student Branch Counselor and Mr.Sanjay,Chair,IES Chapter have addressed the participants of the quiz. Next, the host has instructed the participants about how to attend the quiz through the online platform in a breif manner. Later the quiz has started in the Proprofs platform at 6:45 PM.

This event has been conducted by IES Chapter of IEEE RVRJC Student Branch on 31/05/2023 at 18:30 IST. The event has been hosted by G.Ashritha,Publicity Head,IES Chapter. This is a technical quiz with 25 questions in a single round and each with a time limit of 30 seconds each.


The winners of the event are:

First Prize: Velaga Abhinav

Second Prize winner: Nivas Bonthala(Y20EC138)

Third Prize winner: Maila Praneeha(Y20EE075)

  Date and Time




  • Date: 31 May 2023
  • Time: 01:00 PM UTC to 02:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
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  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Starts 26 May 2023 03:30 AM UTC
  • Ends 31 May 2023 10:30 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


The agenda of this event is

1. To create awareness about the IES Chapter in the Student Branch and also in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of RVR&JC College of Engineering. 

2. To create networking opportunites for the student members in the Student Branch.

3. To increase the member count.

4. To make aware of the circuits for the fresher students.

The quiz has ended at 7:30 PM. The participants have gathered in a google meet for their performances. Meanwhile, D. Manogna,Membership developer,IES Chapter have taken a quick session about the mebership benefits of IEEE and Industrial Electronics Society membership. Later the results of the quiz have been released and Dr.Tripura Pidikiti,Branch Counselor have announced the winners in the meeting. In the end the meet has been ended with a vote of thanks at 7:30PM.


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