International Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communication - Wireless Communications in-person Section
IEEE ICTfest 2023
IEEE International Information and Communication Technology Festival (IEEE ICTFest) is a three-day-long science-promoting event consolidating:
● IEEE Day celebration,
● Science Week of Riga Technical University and special PhD students poster session,
● International Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications (MTTW’23),
● International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science (ITMS’23),
● IEEE Lithuania and Latvia Sections Workshop on Microwave Devices and Systems,
● Invited Lectures from Leading ICT European Scientists,
● Discussion of Industry Representatives on Skills of the Next Generation Young Professionals in the Field of Information and Communication Technology.
The celebration will be held on October 4–6.
Date and Time
- Date: 05 Oct 2023
- Time: 08:00 AM UTC to 04:00 PM UTC
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Chair: Anna Litviņenko
Technical co-chair: Andrejs Romanovs and Nadezda Kunicina - Co-sponsored by Riga Technical University, RTU Institute of Information Technology and RTU Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics;
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5th October, Paula Valdena street 5, Riga
9:00 - 2 Keynote speeches
Prof. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel (Sweden) - A fast ray-tracing code for the simulation of lens antennas
Prof. Izzet Kale (UK) - Balanced Model Truncation and its Practical Real-World Applications
10:30 - Coffee break
11:00 - MTTW Workshop sessions (in person) / ITMS conference sessions (online)
13:30 – Lunch Break
14:30 - MTTW Workshop sessions (in person) / ITMS conference sessions (online)
16:30 - Coffee break
17:00 - MTTW Workshop sessions (in person) / ITMS conference sessions (online)
19:00 – Gala Dinner for presenters
IEEE ICTfest 2023