Documentary Night: Claude Shannon
The Bit Player
We proudly present an IEEE foundation video documentary entitled: “The Bit Player“. One of Michigan’s famous sons, however not many Michiganians know about him – Indeed few know that Claude E. Shannon is also credited as the father of "Information Theory". You will learn more about him and at the same time get a refresher on the mankind changing impact Claude Elmwood Shannon made on the world today. This documentary was made in 2018 and brought to you by the IEEE Foundation who partially funded this along with the IEEE Information Theory Society. The trailer for this 90-minute video is
AFTER the movie - we can have a brief discussion session. NOTE: You must supply your own soda pop and popcorn! :-) Trivia may also follow, so bring your Jeopardy hats too. We are celebrating this on the occasion of Shannon's birthday (April 30th, 1916).
Date and Time
- Date: 29 Apr 2024
- Time: 10:00 PM UTC to 11:30 PM UTC
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The Bit Player
In a blockbuster paper in 1948, Claude Shannon introduced the notion of a "bit" and laid the foundation for the information age. His ideas ripple through nearly every aspect of modern life, influencing such diverse fields as communication, computing, cryptography, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, cosmology, linguistics, and genetics. But when interviewed in the 1980s, Shannon was more interested in showing off the gadgets he’d constructed — juggling robots, a Rubik’s Cube solving machine, a wearable computer to win at roulette, a unicycle without pedals, a flame-throwing trumpet — than rehashing the past. Mixing contemporary interviews, archival film, animation and dialogue drawn from interviews conducted with Shannon himself, The Bit Player tells the story of an overlooked genius who revolutionized the world, but never lost his childlike curiosity.
For more information, feel free to checkout:
I have placed an IEEE Xplore link here which is an Ebook of ALL his collected papers:
(note - over 75 of them, you can only download a max of 10 at a time....)
Address:Cyber City, Michigan, United States, 48309
6:00 PM - Welcome, Chapter business update; (on your own) Pizza, Popcorn and Soda Pop
6:05 PM - Documentary Start
7:05 PM - End of Documentary; Start of Q & A; Group Discussion
7:30 PM - Wrap Up
An IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section event. All are welcome. Consider becoming an IEEE member if such similar events are of professional/academic interest to you/ All follow ups to Sharan Kalwani. If you like documentaries to be screened often - let the organizer know and also share any favorite titles!
Claude Shannon Documentary - FLYER | Claude Shannon Documentary - FLYER | 323.97 KiB |