The IEEE PSUT club celebrated IEEE DAY on Saturday, October 14th. This celebration commemorates the first meeting in 1884, during which ideas were generated, contributing to various scientific fields over the decades.
During this year's activity, each IEEE PSUT community hosted a specialized guest in a specific field. The event started at 9:00 AM, with each session lasting for 50 minutes.
In the first session, the IEEE Power and Energy Society hosted Engineer Abdullah Bdeir, who spoke about the future of energy transmission in the Arab world.
In the second session, the IEEE Women in Engineering community hosted Mrs. Amal Al-Saadi, who shared her journey from Princess Sumaya University to success.
The third session hosted Engineer Omar Kayyali by the IEEE Communication Society, who discussed the Internet of Things and its applications.
In the fourth session, the IEEE Robotics Society hosted recently graduated Engineer Hamza Dawood, who spoke about self-aligning systems for cars.
The last session, organized by the IEEE Computer Society, hosted Dr. Aws Kanaan, who discussed high-performance computing.
Questions were received from attending students after each session, fostering idea exchange between students and speakers. Additionally, each speaker was honored by the IEEE PSUT club after their respective sessions as an expression of pride in hosting them.