Career Path Strategy
On behalf of IEEE ÉTS, we invite you to learn about the “Career Path Strategy.” A panel discussion will give you the necessary advice to meet your career objectives. In addition, we will have networking where you can meet your future business partner, employer, or colleagues. Additionally, we extend the invitation to join this great international family such as IEEE; come and join us to learn more details.
Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Date and Time
- Date: 03 Apr 2024
- Time: 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Add Event to Calendar
- 1100 Notre-Dame St W
- Montreal, Quebec
- Canada H3C 1K3
- Building: A
- Room Number: A-1302
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Hosts
- Co-sponsored by ETS student life services (SVE)
- Starts 11 March 2024 12:00 AM
- Ends 03 April 2024 11:00 AM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
Prof. Frederic NABKI of Spark Microsystems, Co-founder and CTO- École de technologie supérieure
Frederic Nabki, PhD, directs the technological innovations that SPARK Microsystems is bringing to market. Frederic has 17 years of experience in research and development of RFICs and MEMS. He obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from McGill University in 2010. Dr. Nabki has contributed to setting the direction of the technological roadmap for start-up companies, coordinated the development of advanced technologies and participated in product development efforts. His technical expertise includes analog, RF, and mixed-signal integrated circuits and MEMS sensors and actuators. He has published several scientific publications, and he holds multiple patents in microsystems and integrated circuits.
Address:Montreal, Canada
Mr. Arnaud LINA of Zebra Technologies, Director of Engineering
Arnaud is a director of research at Zebra Technologies and leads the machine vision group. He is also a Scientific Research Chair at ETS, and has previously been director of research and innovation at Matrox. His research includes Industrial Machine Vision Systems, computer vision software development, and machine learning. He holds 5 patents in the field of object detection using image processing.
Address:Montreal, Canada
Mr. Gregory DUTRIEUX of Ericsson, Senior Data Science Manager
Gregory est gestionnaire principal de l’accélérateur d’intelligence artificielle d’Ericsson à Montréal. Il dirige une équipe de scientifiques et d’ingénieurs de données dont la mission première est d’accélérer l’adoption de solutions d'apprentissage machine et d'intelligence artificielle (IA). D’autre part, il supervise différents aspects relatifs aux projets d’Ericsson Canada en recherche appliquée dans le domaine de la 5G et de l’IA.
Gregory is senior manager of Ericsson's artificial intelligence accelerator in Montreal. He leads a team of data scientists and engineers whose primary mission is to accelerate the adoption of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. On the other hand, he supervises various aspects relating to Ericsson Canada's projects in applied research in the field of 5G and AI.
Address:Montreal, Canada
Dr. Aradhana CHOUDHURI of Canadian Space Agency, Space Systems Engineer
Aradhana Choudhuri is a Space Systems Engineer at the Canadian Space Agency. Previously, she was lead of the laser operations team in the Laser division of the DESY particle accelerator facility in Hamburg, Germany. She has a Bachelors and Masters in Aerospace Engineering, and a PhD in Experimental Physics, and has been working in the space sector since 2010.