Keynote Lecture: A Fast Ray-Tracing Code for the Simulation of Lens Antennas by Prof. Dr. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel

#IEEEDay #STEM #conference #workshop #communications #engineering


In this talk, Prof. Quevedo-Teruel will explain the operation of a ray-tracing code that can be used to calculate in a few seconds, and extremely accurately, the radiation pattern, efficiency and gain of lens antennas. Lenses are an excellent candidate for new applications in the millimeter frequency regime, especially for antennas with low-scan losses. For example, they are being considered for antenna solutions in 5G/6G, satellite communications in Low-Earth Orbit constellations and automotive radars. However, their simulation and optimization are time-consuming due to their large dimensions in terms of wavelength. In this presentation, Prof. Quevedo-Teruel will explain the theory of ray-tracing, its features, and he will demonstrate its operation with some practical examples.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 04 Oct 2024
  • Time: 12:00 PM UTC to 12:45 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Paula Valdena street
  • Riga, Latvia
  • Latvia LV-1048
  • Building: 5
  • Room Number: 2.12

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Chair: Anna Litviņenko
    Technical co-chair: Andrejs Romanovs and Nadezda Kunicina

  • Starts 29 September 2024 09:00 PM UTC
  • Ends 04 October 2024 08:59 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Prof. Dr. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel of KTH Royal Institute of Technology


A Fast Ray-Tracing Code for the Simulation of Lens Antennas

Abstract: In this talk, Prof. Quevedo-Teruel will explain the operation of a ray-tracing code that can be used to calculate in a few seconds, and extremely accurately, the radiation pattern, efficiency and gain of lens antennas. Lenses are an excellent candidate for new applications in the millimeter frequency regime, especially for antennas with low-scan losses. For example, they are being considered for antenna solutions in 5G/6G, satellite communications in Low-Earth Orbit constellations and automotive radars. However, their simulation and optimization are time-consuming due to their large dimensions in terms of wavelength. In this presentation, Prof. Quevedo-Teruel will explain the theory of ray-tracing, its features, and he will demonstrate its operation with some practical examples.


Oscar Quevedo-Teruel is an IEEE Fellow. He received his Telecommunication Engineering and Ph.D. Degrees from Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain in 2005 and 2010. From 2010-2011, he joined the Department of Theoretical Physics of Condensed Matter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid as a research fellow and went on to continue his postdoctoral research at Queen Mary University of London from 2011-2013.
In 2014, he joined the Division for Electromagnetic Engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden where he is a Full Professor, the Responsible for the Antenna Laboratory and Director of the Master Programme in Electromagnetics Fusion and Space Engineering. He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation since 2018-2022 and Track Editor since 2022. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the EurAAP journal Reviews of Electromagnetics since 2020. He was the EurAAP delegate for Sweden, Norway, and Iceland from 2018-2020, and he has been a member of the EurAAP Board of Directors since January 2021. Since January 2022, he is the vice-chair of EurAAP. He was a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for the period of 2019-2022, and Chair of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society’s Educational Initiatives Programme since 2020.
He has made scientific contributions to higher symmetries, transformation optics, lens antennas, metasurfaces, leaky wave antennas and high impedance surfaces. He is the co-author of more than 130 papers in international journals and more than 200 at international conferences.

Address:KTH Royal Institute of Technology, , Stockholm, Sweden


09:00–13:30 2024 IEEE 65th International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science of Riga Technical University (ITMS'2024)
13:30–14:00 Coffee Break & MTTW Registration
14:00–14:15 MTTW Opening Ceremony
Prof. Dr. Anna Litviņenko, Dr. Andrejs Romānovs, Prof. Dr. Nadežda Kuņicina
14:15–15:00 Keynote Lecture Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) for Energy-Efficient Optical Communication Over Large Distances by Prof. Dr. Artūrs Āboltiņš
15:00–15:45 Keynote Lecture A Fast Ray-Tracing Code for the Simulation of Lens Antennas by Prof. Dr. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
15:45–17:45 Session A1: Microwave Technology and Wireless Communications In-Person
Chairs: Dr. Deniss Kolosovs, Prof. Dr. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel

15:45–16:00 Experimental Exploration of OTFS-Based 28 GHz UWB Pulsed Doppler Radar
Nikolajs Tihomorskis; Sandis Migla; Kristaps Rubuls; Jurijs Sadovskis; Arturs Aboltins
16:00–16:15 Enhancing Classification Accuracy in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Using Machine Learning
Bin Hu; Hideaki Goto; Takuo Suganuma
16:15–16:30 On Cyber Threats in Military Communication Nets
Manfred Sneps-Sneppe
16:30–16:45 Finite State Machine Model Checking of a Wave-Union-Based TDC FPGA System
Jakovs Ratners; Nikolajs Tihomorskis; Sandis Migla; Arturs Aboltins
16:45–17:00 Wide Tuning Range X-Band LC-VCO Designed in 90 nm CMOS Technology
Benas Petrulis; Vytautas Mačaitis; Vaidotas Barzdėnas; Gediminas Gražulevičius; Sen Wang; Chieh Chuang
17:00–17:15 Experimental Study on Quadrature Chaos Shift Keying Communication System
Darja Čirjuļina; Ruslans Babajans; Deniss Kolosovs
17:15–17:30 Ultra-Wideband Geodesic Lens Antenna
Laia Costa-Cid; Pilar Castillo-Tapia; Cristina Yepes; Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
17:30–17:45 Discrete Sequential Implementation of Chaos Oscillators for FPGA Integration
Ruslans Babajans; Darja Čirjuļina; Deniss Kolosovs

17:45–18:00 Closing and Awards Ceremony