Evaluating High Voltage and High Frequency Capability of Future GaN-Based Diodes, MOSFETs, and Novel Photoconductive Switches

#GaN #Diodes #MOSFETs #HF #Circuits #Vertical #Device #Scaling #Rules #Photoconductive #Switches #or #Wide #Bandgap #Semiconductor #HV #Power #Devices #Finite #Element #Modeling #Physics #Sims #Hybrid #Edge #Termination #EMI #RFI #Mitigation #Cascaded #Double #Pulse #Test #Optical #Triggering #UV #LED #in #Converters #Parasitic #Component #Characterization #Ultra-Wide #Gallium #Oxide #Aluminum #Nitride #Converter #Design #Dynamic #& #Static #Performance #Analysis #Next-Gen #Electronics

The IEEE Power Electronics Society, Industry and Applications Society and Power Energy Society are inviting all interested IEEE members and prospective members to a webinar


Evaluating High Voltage and High Frequency Capability of Future GaN-Based Diodes, MOSFETs, and Novel Photoconductive Switches 


Dr. Raghav Khanna

  Date and Time




  • Date: 05 Dec 2024
  • Time: 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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  • For those attending remotely, send an email to RaedAbdullah@ieee.org w/subject line "Khanna Webinar" and I will email you the virtual webinar link.

  • Co-sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society, Industry and Applications Society, and Power and Energy Society
  • Starts 28 November 2024 04:12 PM
  • Ends 05 December 2024 05:09 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • No Admission Charge


University of Pittsburgh


Evaluating High Voltage and High Frequency Capability of Future GaN-Based Diodes, MOSFETs, and Novel Photoconductive Swi


This talk will present a broad array of new characterization and modeling methodologies for future GaN diodes, MOSFETs, and novel Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches (PCSS). The presented work will include device physics simulations using finite element modeling techniques, which facilitate the design of new architectures of vertical GaN diodes that are capable of withstanding high voltages. Relative to conventional bevel-angle diodes, the proposed “hybrid edge termination” structure is much simpler, yet produces similar breakdown characteristics. It will be shown that the simulated designs can be used to fabricate and empirically characterize the static and dynamic performance of the 1.2 kV diodes. The empirically validated diode simulations inform and guide the design of high voltage GaN MOSFETs, leading to the development of scaling rules which can reasonably project the performance of future GaN devices up to 20 kV. To address potential forthcoming challenges related to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), a novel GaN-based PCSS device is proposed and characterized. PCSS devices are optically triggered, thereby electrically decoupling the input and output ports of the device, allowing for EMI mitigation. A new “Cascaded Double Pulse Test” (C-DPT) is used to empirically characterize the dynamic performance of the PCSS device. The C-DPT consists of a low-voltage DPT, strategically positioned overtop of a high-voltage DPT. The low voltage DPT drives a UV LED, acting as the freewheeling diode to provide optical triggering to the PCSS device, which is implemented on the high-voltage DPT. This novel proof-of-concept circuit can inform the design of next-generation power converters utilizing PCSS devices. Finally, the dispersive effect of the parasitic components contained in high-frequency GaN-based circuits is evaluated. As the spectral content in GaN-based circuits is infringing on frequencies previously only observed in the RF domain, new characterization and modeling techniques are needed. This talk will demonstrate that the extended spectral content, orders of magnitude above the switching frequency, associated with GaN-based converters is causing the parasitic components of the circuit to exhibit frequency-dependence. Strategies to account for, and predict this behavior will be presented. The talk will conclude with applying learned lessons from wide bandgap semiconductors to develop a roadmap towards the design of ultra-wide bandgap devices, such as gallium oxide, or aluminum nitride.functions, forms, and features in off- and on-highway vehicle.


Dr. Raghav Khanna received his B.S. degree, M.S. degree, and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA in 2007, 2010, and 2014, respectively. Dr. Raghav has worked for several industries including Lockheed Martin (Philadelphia, PA), PPG Industries (Pittsburgh, PA), and HRL Laboratories (Malibu, CA). At HRL he was directly involved with the development of GaN-based battery chargers for electric vehicles. In 2015, he joined the electrical engineering and computer science department at the University of Toledo. He is currently an Associate Professor and holds the position of Leidich Family Endowed Professor in Power and Energy Systems. His research interests are in characterization and modeling of wide bandgap semiconductors for applications in next-generation power electronics, including renewable energy, electric vehicles, aerospace and maritime systems, and low power consumer electronics. He is also conducting extensive research on control strategies for integration of distributed energy resources. He recently received grants from the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Dana Inc. to further develop his research activities.

Address:Pittsburgh, United States