CHEERS OCEANEERS! Jan 2025 - VBC - Sean Mulrooney and Sarah Bowen

#BlueTech #ocean #oceanic #marine #maritime #tma #mts #underwater #engineering #uuv #auv #rov #robotics #consultants #network #undersea #subsea

CHEERS OCEANEERS! JAN 2025 - VBC - Sean Mulrooney and Sarah Bowen

Sean Mulrooney and Sarah Bowen from Veterans Beer Club will give us a short presentation on their group and their mission.

VBC is built on three basic fundamentals. 

- Assist transitioning service members through networking, discussing important events, introductions to industries across the region, and strive to match veterans with key leaders in the industries of their choosing.

- Translate our military service to community service, ensure we continue our leadership into non-profit, and volunteerism through civil service organization.

- Continue our sense of camaraderie, safe-guard the bonds established during military service, and ensure a safety net of resources.


Welcome to the Jan 2025 monthly event for the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES), San Diego Chapter, which is hosting this meeting jointly along with TMA (The Maritime Alliance), and MTS (Marine Technology Society).

Please join us for the main presentation from the Veterans Beer Club and also plenty of time for networking and friendly conversation about everything oceanic, engineering, science, Blue Tech, and more.  No need to be an IEEE or OES member, or TMA, or MTS.  Everyone is invited.

This month, we will be at Quantum Brewing again, a cool science-themed brewery founded by a biochemist.

Jan 8th, 2025, Wednesday


Quantum Brewing

5375 Kearny Villa Rd #116

San Diego, CA 92123


No ticket required, but please order something for yourself from the brewery.

Please grab a bite from a nearby restaurant, which is okay to bring into the brewery per the owner.

The food and drinks are not being funded by the hosts.  Please open your own tab.



5:30pm: Arrival and networking, order food/drinks for yourself.

6:15pm: OES and other hosting group announcements.

6:20pm: VBC Presentation

6:40pm (approximately): “open mic” for any other attendees to present anything they like (ocean-related, of course).

Examples: employers presenting opportunities for employment, job seekers presenting a quick bio, internship program opportunities, promoting other events, seeking funding, “show and tell” of any cool technology you are working on, etc.

7:00pm to close: enjoy some drinks and chatting with fellow oceanic engineering enthusiasts.

RSVPs are appreciated for planning purposes.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 09 Jan 2025
  • Time: 01:30 AM UTC to 04:00 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 5375 Kearny Villa Rd
  • #116
  • San Diego, California
  • United States 92123
  • Building: Quantum Brewing

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 29 December 2024 08:00 PM UTC
  • Ends 09 January 2025 05:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Sean Mulrooney of VBC


Sean Mulrooney is a Navy Veteran, Naval aviator, program manager. Sean spent 10 years working in the San Diego sport fishing community prior to leaving for the Navy, where he furthered his strong connection to the ocean. Sean currently works at NAVWAR supporting C4I integration for Navy and Coast Guard new ship construction. Sean is the San Diego Chapter Lead for Veterans Beer Club. 

Sarah Bowen of VBC


Sarah Bowen is a Navy veteran, engineer, and program manager with over two decades of experience spanning naval nuclear power, space systems, and operational leadership as a Surface Warfare Officer. She is passionate about fostering connections between veterans and opportunities in engineering and technology.



5:30pm: Arrival and networking, order food/drinks for yourself.

6:15pm: OES and other hosting group announcements.

6:20pm: VBC Presentation

6:40pm (approximately): “open mic” for any other attendees to present anything they like (ocean-related, of course).

Examples: employers presenting opportunities for employment, job seekers presenting a quick bio, internship program opportunities, promoting other events, seeking funding, “show and tell” of any cool technology you are working on, etc.

7:00pm to close: enjoy some drinks and chatting with fellow oceanic engineering enthusiasts.