Knowledge Based Radar: Advanced Sensor Concepts, Exploitation, Signal Processing and Systems Engineering
Hosted by the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) Denver Chapter and the Association of Old Crows
In this talk, a number of Knowledge Based Radar concepts and technologies forming the foundation for the exploitation of sensors from a Big Data perspective are presented. A signal processing and systems engineering approach is discussed, and heuristic techniques are presented as being critical to leap ahead advances in sensor exploitation. While radar centric in nature, the foundation for a more general sensors approach to Big Data exploitation is discussed. Archival data is considered to be essential to the optimal exploitation of sensor phenomena, as humans are unable to fully observe or even comprehend the volumes of rapidly changing data available today. Topics as diverse as radio frequency tomography for below ground imaging, millimeter wave sensing for exquisite feature extraction, target resonance and dynamic imaging of targets obscured by clutter and cover, as well as space-time adaptive processing are presented. The integrating theme of Big Data exploitation is discussed within the context of these enabling sensor technologies as is the “Velocity of Sensor Data.”
Date and Time
- Date: 13 Sep 2017
- Time: 12:00 AM UTC to 02:00 AM UTC
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- Engineering Dr
- Boulder, Colorado
- United States 80302
- Building: Discovery Learning Center
- Room Number: Colaboratory
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by Association of Old Crows
Dr. Mike Wicks of University of Dayton
Knowledge Based Radar: Advanced Sensor Concepts, Exploitation, Signal Processing and Systems Engineering
In this talk, a number of Knowledge Based Radar concepts and technologies forming the foundation for the exploitation of sensors from a Big Data perspective are presented. A signal processing and systems engineering approach is discussed, and heuristic techniques are presented as being critical to leap ahead advances in sensor exploitation. While radar centric in nature, the foundation for a more general sensors approach to Big Data exploitation is discussed. Archival data is considered to be essential to the optimal exploitation of sensor phenomena, as humans are unable to fully observe or even comprehend the volumes of rapidly changing data available today. Topics as diverse as radio frequency tomography for below ground imaging, millimeter wave sensing for exquisite feature extraction, target resonance and dynamic imaging of targets obscured by clutter and cover, as well as space-time adaptive processing are presented. The integrating theme of Big Data exploitation is discussed within the context of these enabling sensor technologies as is the “Velocity of Sensor Data.”
Dr.Wicksisaleading researchscientistinremotesensing,signalprocessing and systemsengineering,withacurrentfocusondistributedsensing andradio frequency technology.Hehaspursuedavarietyofresearchinterestsinhis career,including: cognitive radar, radiofrequency tomographicradar,counterexplosivesensor technology,cognitiveradarandradio,spaceobjectsensing,missile defense,deepearth probing radar,multi-dimensionaladaptiveprocessingfor airborneandspacebasedradar,ultra-widebandradioandradar,passiveand active multi-staticsystems,andconcealedweapons / contrabanddetectionand carrieridentification.He pioneeredtheconceptofknowledge-basedsignal processing andwaveformdiversity,and haslednationalandinternational researchteamsonthe design,developmentandfielding of novelalgorithms, architecturesandsystemsfor remotesensingfromspace,airandsurface platforms.
Sponsored researchiscurrentlyfocused on advanced algorithms for the detection and track processing of airborne targets obscured by wind farm clutter, as is research on spatially andspectrallydiverse sensingforthe automatic detection,identification, and feature exploitation of objects under cover, e.g. below ground, inside structures, or under foliage. Space object identification is also a topic of current research. The designandanalysis ofdistributed radarfor exoatmospheric surveillance is complimented by analysis and experiments forside-looking imaging and surface moving target indication radar.Recentresearch hasresultedinthedevelopmentofa mobilewaveformdiversedistributedMIMOradar systemanda radio frequency tomography testbedattheUniversityofDayton.Researchon integratedclose-insensingandlongrangewide areasurveillance radar is addressing featureextraction,inadditiontodetectionprocessingandtrack formation.Algorithmsandarchitecturesfor the numericalandsymbolic (heuristic) processingofsensor data is aprimaryfocus of this research.
Dr.Wickshaspublishedmanypapers,reports,chapters,booksand patents.
Dr. Mike Wicks of University of Dayton
Knowledge Based Radar: Advanced Sensor Concepts, Exploitation, Signal Processing and Systems Engineering
1800-1830: Networking, food (light dinner)
1830-1930: Feature presentation
1930-2000: Q&A, networking