[Legacy Report] 2015 Kick-off Meeting
Introduction of who we are, where we work and why we joined the Power & Energy Society
We discussed the areas of interest in energy:
• Tours:
o Wind Energy - grid integration, recovery time
o Steel Mill in Pueblo
o Solar Garden
 We want to see a panel dissembled!
• Technical programs and presentations by members and others in the community
o What people are doing in their jobs
• New technologies
o 3D Printers – Library 21C
We discussed challenges in energy:
• Getting young people interested in energy
o Keeping infrastructure going
o Shadowing opportunities
o Mentoring
• Engineers in public policy
o Where do we fit? When/How do we speak?
o What does a balanced energy portfolio look like?
• What do non-renewables really cost?
• Design/Engineering best practices, how are we capturing this information?
• New technologies
o How they’re being used and their feasibility
We discussed gaining more interest in PES from others in energy:
• Bringing in non-members
• How we advertise and where
• Panel discussions
o One idea have a challenges-in-integration, Codes discussion between:
 a solar installer/designer
 electrician
 Utility Rep (Transmission Operator)
 Electrical Inspector
• Keeping the group viable with at least two technical presentations this year
Chair Martíne-Denise Long
Vice Chair Marlene Hebner
Treasurer David Atwood
Secretary VACANT
Professional Activities VACANT
Student Activities VACANT
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Apr 2015
- Time: 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
- All times are (GMT-07:00) US/Mountain
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