Forge Initiative - Robotic Project Walkthrough from Next Generation Makers(Team PyroTech, FRC 3459)
Forge Initiative - Robotic Project Walkthrough from Next Generation Makers(Team PyroTech, FRC 3459)
Forge Initiative is a non-profit organization which has taken impressive measures towards its actual objectives – forging communities for all ages to collaboratively explore, learn and lead using technology and leadership. It is a local makerspace involving all STEM disciplines by few volunteers (Rob Mackie, Dr. Linda D. Whipker and others) with a vision to improve the local technology gap in the community for future generations.
Please refer to the following site for more information about Forge Initiative.
Forge has been specifically effective in creating makers out of high school students. It is an usual scene at Forge to see high school students working later in the evenings on their hands on projects involving general mechatronics and robotics hobby and/or competition projects – with greatest degree of focus and passion.
During our March IEEE R&A event, the members of team PyroTech, FRC 3459, high school student members of the Forge Initiative who have worked with IEEE on the humanoid Robot project would present their work from current year's competition build season.
IEEE section members at the meeting can expect to learn about current year's competition and see a demo of the team's backup robot (the primary robot is already sealed for competition). Next generation makers from Forge Initiative will design and implementation architecture of the robot followed by a open Q&A session.
From IEEE R&A, we are extending our warm invitation and wish our best for these highly motivated team of high school students. We would like rest of the students, hobbyists, academia, professionals and seniors to be inspired by the positive skillset of the next generation makers.
Date and Time
- Date: 05 Mar 2018
- Time: 06:20 PM to 08:30 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
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- 911 Partners Way
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- United States 27606
- Building: Engineering Building 1 (EB1)
- Room Number: 1007
- Contact Event Host
Mahesh Balasubramaniam
- Starts 28 February 2018 12:00 AM
- Ends 05 March 2018 09:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
6:20-7:00pm Networking with pizza and soda
The times below are approximate and are given just as a guideline:
7:00-7:10pm News and announcements
7:10-7:50pm Forge Initiative Next Generation Makers involving high school students will describe the design and implementation of their current year's competition build season robot project using the team's R&A projects.
7:50-8:00pm Brief Q/A from IEEE students, hobbyists, professionals and seniors
8:00-8:30pm Show-n-Tell (if interested, bring out your projects to show to other members)