Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee Meeting was held at 107, ACES Building, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India – 208 016 on September 8th, 2018 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
Members Present:
(a) IEEE CIS Member
- A. K. Ghosh (on call)
- Sujeet Mishra (on call)
- R. K. Mishra (on call)
- Nishchal K. Verma
- Rahul K. Sevakula (on call)
- Narendra Kumar Dhar
- Vikas Singh
- Teena Sharma
- Sonal Dixit
- Dhan Jeet Singh (on call)
- Mayank Pandey
- Pankaj Mishra
- Tarun Maini (on call)
- Abhishek Kumar (on call)
(b) Non-IEEE CIS Member
- Sejal Samaiya
- Astha Jain
- Arun Kumar Sharma
Next Meeting: To be announced through email.
Minutes Prepared by: Sejal Samaiya
The meeting was adjourned with a vote of thanks at 6:30 PM.
Website: http://iitk.ac.in/idea/IEEECIS11/
Date and Time
- Date: 08 Sep 2018
- Time: 05:30 PM to 06:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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- KANPUR, Uttar Pradesh
- India 208016
- Room Number: 107
Welcome and Announcements:
Chairman and Secretary both welcomed all the members present in the meeting.
Agenda Item #1: Ratification of minutes of the previous meeting.
Discussion: The minutes of the previous meeting was read by Mr. Narendra Kumar Dhar and with the consent of all present members minutes were approved.
Agenda Item #2: IEEE CIS Membership Promotional Activity Events
Discussion: Vice Chairman announced the grant from IEEE CIS of US$800 to conduct the promotional activity events. The announcement was followed by the discussion to decide the venue of the events. Dr. Verma requested everyone to make themselves available and participate during the events. He also asked the committee members to arrange a competition for the participants.
Action Item: Promotional Activity events to be held in Uttar Pradesh.
Agenda Item #3: Technical co-sponsorship request from University of Allahabad for IAC3T 2018.
Discussion: Vice Chairman on behalf of Executive Committee Members announced the approval of Technical co-sponsorship request for “International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Communication Technology (IAC3T 2018)” to be held during September 21st – 23rd, 2018 at University of Allahabad, Allahabad (Website: http://www.iac3t.in/).
Agenda Item #4: Participation in Summer School to be held in December.
Discussion: Dr. Verma and others suggested to get the clarification from IEEE CIS whether we can change the name of the event i.e. “Winter School” instead of Summer School, as it is going to be held during winter. In this regard, a query email has already been sent to IEEE CIS. Dr. Verma also requested everyone to actively participate in the School on “Deep Learning and Computational Intelligence” going to be held during December 5th – 7th, 2018 at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
Action Item: Waiting for clarification from IEEE CIS regarding name of the school.