We have an opportunity to have a Workshop in Anchorage at the beginning of September because engineers who have been engaged in the business of Renewable Energy and in the development of the applicable standards will be in Alaska. The full agenda is still in development and any suggestions for topics will be welcome to ensure this Workshop is of maximum benefit to you and to Alaska. More announcements will be made as the development of the Workshop unfolds. This information is applicable to anyone who is considering Alternate Energy Applications for a Utility, an Industrial facility, a community power system or remote locations.
IEEE 1547 has changed a lot since it was originally published in 2003. The high penetration of Solar energy DER in California and Hawaii demanded change in how interconnects need to interact with the EPS's so IEEE 1547 was revised to accommodate the new requirements. The IEEE 1547 changes force changes to the UL 1741 Standard for grid tie inverters which will impact all those involved with interconnect of DER to EPS.
I believe that now is a very good time to bring a lot of the technical issues out which can impact the Utilities planning, and the IPP (Independent Power Producers) and any others who need to know what the technical requirements and constraints are which affect how each proposed DER installation should be addressed. We are dealing with systems, both electrical power systems and communications systems.
Potential topics
- Islanding-Intentional and Unintentional
- Voltage Ride through
- Voltage and power control (active and reactive)
- DER (Inverter) performance requirements
- Things engineers and managers for the EPS need to know.
- Things IPP operators need to know.
- Use of stored energy
- Open discussion or panel discussion on selected topics.
Date and Time
- Start time: 04 Sep 2019 04:00 PM UTC
- End time: 06 Sep 2019 01:00 AM UTC
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- 600 East 36th Avenue, Suite 100
- Anchorage, Alaska
- United States 99503
- Building: Alaska Communications Business Center
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by CH06268 - Alaska Section Chapter, PE31
- Starts 03 August 2019 09:00 PM UTC
- Ends 01 September 2019 07:00 AM UTC
- 0 in-person spaces left!
- Admission fee ?
- Menu: Buffet w/coffee & snacks
Mark Siira of ComRent
Mark Siira is the Director of Utility Compliance and Solutions for ComRent International, a leader in load testing solutions for critical facilities and utility-scale systems. Mark is responsible for technology strategy and external communication content.
Mark is a senior member of IEEE and currently active as a leader in several standards-making organizations, including as the Chair of IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21. In this role, he leads the development of all interconnection and interoperability standards for fuel cells, photovoltaics, dispersed generation, and energy storage. Concurrently, he is Vice-Chair for IEEE 1547 Interconnection Standard Revision (new test requirements) and is the subgroup chair of IEEE 1547.1 commissioning.
Mark is also an active participant in the IEEE Power Systems Relaying Committee, Vice-Chair of committee K10 – SCC21 Distributed Resources Standard Coordination, a member of committee I25 for substation commissioning best practices (which reports to NERC), and a contributor to IEEE C37.233 protection system testing.
Charlie Vartanian of PNNL
Charlie Vartanian is a Sr. Technical Advisor in Storage Reliability and Integration, within PNNL’s Electrochemical Materials and Systems Group. His focus is the advancement of reliability and integration of grid connected energy storage systems. Charlie has over 25 years of power industry experience deploying advanced grid technologies, performing electric system studies, and contributing to technical standards development. He has worked previously for Mitsubishi Electric, UET, DNV KEMA, A123 Systems, Enron, the California Energy Commission, and Southern California Edison. During his 15 years at Southern California Edison, Charlie’s activities spanned traditional T&D planning through R&D. He is a currently Secretary of the IEEE 1547.9 Guide for DER Energy Storage Interconnection working group, and Co-Chair of the IEEE Energy Storage Task Force. Charlie received his BSEE from Cal Poly Pomona, and his MSEE from USC. Charlie is a licensed professional Electrical Engineer.
8:00 am to 8:30 am Check in, Hand out materials 8:30 am to 11:30 am Training (breaks will be scheduled during the Workshop 11:30 am to 12:15 pm Lunch 12:15 pm to 5:00 pm Training (with breaks scheduled