Richmond ExCom Meeting & WebEx
Quorum is 50% +1 of all elected and ExCom At-Large Section members; plus, 1 representative for each Organizational Unit (OU) {Chapters, Affinity Groups and Student Branches}. OU Chairs, please make every effort to have your OU represented. Failure to make quorum voids the meeting!
NOTE: Attendees can JOIN the meeting 15 minutes before start time;
Please note that ANY member of an OU can be an appointed Representative and vote on behalf of that OU. The representative-member need not be the same for every meeting. OU Chairs, please ENGAGE your members with this responsibility whenever you cannot attend; however, if they plan to attend by WebEx, you will need to provide them with the login material sent to you by email. We welcome additional member-attendees as observers and participants, but only ONE VOTE per OU is permitted. Members, please ask your OU Chairs if you wish to attend (in-person or by WebEx); or, ask your Section Chair if your Technical Society isn't (yet) represented by a local Chapter. Many thanks!
The Richmond Section ExCom meets monthly in-person and by WebEx teleconference, typically on the next evening or two following the Region 3 ExCom meeting.
All Members of the IEEE Richmond Section are invited to participate. Your input and participation is important to address your concerns. IEEE is a very large and diverse professional organization, 400,000 members strong, and is chock full of interesting intellectual and physical activities, professional networking and mentoring opportunities and continuing education that can help you make the most of your career utilizing your prior and continuing educational pursuits. Please do not pass up this opportunity to learn more about your organization and how it can help you in all you endeavor.
Since this is a member-only event, it is necessary that you Register via the Meeting Announcement so that log-in details can be sent to you by email. Also, please notify your OU Chair, who will provide you with login details.
All Committee Chairs or their designee should make every effort to attend. This is a great opportunity for those who might have an interest in learning more about their IEEE.
Please review for more information about your local organization and the many opportunities to participate as an engaged and active member.
Date and Time
- Date: 18 Jan 2020
- Time: 12:00 PM to 01:45 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- Add Event to Calendar
- 3301-C Rosedale Avenue
- Richmond, Virginia
- United States 23220
- Building: BuildRVA Makerspace (& Virtual via WebEx online)
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by Steve Kemp, Section Chair
- Starts 06 December 2019 12:56 PM
- Ends 18 January 2020 11:55 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
Steve Kemp, Section Chair
Address:Richmond, Virginia, United States
All attendees are invited to participate in the meeting -- We want your insight.
Welcome and WebEx check-in (T-15 min), and late registrations/sign-in at event
Call to Order
Announcements: Please disclose any need for early departure.
Agenda review and approval
Minutes, prior meeting reading, amendments and approval
Officer Reports (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer)
Organizational Unit (OU) Reports (Chapters, Affinity Groups & Student Branches)
Committee Reports (Awards & Recognition, Events/Programs not discussed in OU Reports, Student Activities, etc.)
Delegate Reports (Region 3 & RJEC)
Old/Continued Business
New Business -- This meeting wlll be a workshop to plan for 2020 and develop operating budgets for all units! All Organizational Unit (OU) Chairs and Treasurers should make every effort to attend. Any other officers, committee volunteers and members are welcome--although the meeting must be kept to 2 hours due to an adjoining event.
Open Forum to Guests
Closing Announcements and Next Meeting Date (typically the Wednesday after the 3rd Monday-follows Region 3 meeting)
If no additional business, Adjourn (plan 2 hours or less)
Revised 18-January (sk)
© 2020 IEEE Richmond Section. All Rights Reserved.