Pikes Peak IEEE Section, Virtual Meeting: Section Status Update & Ames Power Station Presentation

#Vision #Mission #Ames #Power #Station

The meeting consists of two parts:  An update on the status of the IEEE Pikes Peak Section and a Presentation on the Ames Hydro Power Plant. 

The agenda and the password-protected zoom link are shown here on this announcement.   Once you register for the meeting, a password will be sent to you by email before the meeting starts scheduled for 30 Jul 2020, 500 pm - 6:30 pm (MST)


Meeting ID: 844 4249 3454 (you need to register for the meeting so you can receive a password sent to you by email before the start of the meeting)

Summary of Presentation

The Ames Hydro Power Plant: The First HV AC Transmission Anywhere

Speaker: Al Schaffer, Retired PE, Pikes Peak Section Life Member 

In 1888-90, the battle for the dominant form of electrical power was underway between Thomas Edison/GE and Nicolas Tesla/Westinghouse in New York.  In Colorado, the Gold King Mine was going bankrupt powering its Gold Mill with steam fueled by wood hauled by donkeys. Lucian Nunn, Telluride banker & investor in the Gold King Mine & brother, Paul Nunn, an engineer convinced Westinghouse to become the first Hydro power plant using AC generator, AC transmission line, and AC generators to operate the Gold King Mine operations.  This presentation tells the story this first design, how equipment was delivered to Mine by the Rio Grande Southern Railroad, how the facility was built and 3KV transmission was run for 2.6 miles to the Gold Mill.  After several iterations, the current Ames Power Plant has been operational since 1905 generating 3.6 MW of power.


Speaker Bio:


Al Schaffer holds a BS Physics, MSEE, and MS CS.  He worked for Battelle Memorial Institute, Collins Radio, NCR, Digital Equipment Corporation, and HP/Agilient.  He is a retired Professional Engineer (Ohio & Colorado).

  Date and Time




  • Date: 30 Jul 2020
  • Time: 11:00 PM UTC to 12:30 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 844 4249 3454
  • Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • United States
  • Click here for Map

  • Contact Event Host
  • or use john@e-liteworks.com

  • Starts 20 July 2020 02:39 PM UTC
  • Ends 30 July 2020 02:39 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


John Santiago John Santiago of Freedom University.TV (DBA elite WORKS, LLC)


Status Update of IEEE Pikes Peak Section

For the past few months, members of the Pikes Peak Section have been discussing about the rebooting of the Pikes Peak Section during the COV-19 pandemic.   Dr John Santiago will provide a status update.

The password-protected zoom link is shown here on this announcement.   Once you register for the meeting, a password will be sent to you by email before the meeting starts.


Meeting ID: 844 4249 3454 (you need to register for the meeting so you can receive a password sent to you by email before the start of the meeting )


Dr John Santiago served 26 years in the U.S. Air Force as a research and development engineer, as well as an engineering manager, gaining leadership & technical experience in many engineering disciplines, systems & missions: large flexible space structures, communications, electro-optical systems, high-energy lasers, missile seekers, image recognition, information technologies, space, air & missile defense & homeland defense.

He retired again during 2019 from an 18-year career as a full-time professor, including over 4 years at the USAF Academy. John is continuing to work with the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN), a collaboration of 40+ universities & colleges while publishing several papers at the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) using the KEEN framework.

The framework combines the technical skill sets & the entrepreneurial mindset, to revolutionize the teaching of engineering.

As a professor of electrical & systems engineering, he taught 40+ courses in engineering, physics & math including 12 graduate courses, authoring 50+ papers, presentations & receiving several educator awards.


Address:United States

Al Schaffer Al Schaffer


Ames Power Station

In 1888-90, the battle for the dominant form of electrical power was underway between Thomas Edison/GE and Nicolas Tesla / Westinghouse in New York.  In Colorado, the Gold King Mine was going bankrupt powering its Gold Mill with steam fueled by wood hauled by donkeys. Lucian Nunn, Telluride banker & investor in the Gold King Mine & brother, Paul Nunn, an engineer convinced Westinghouse to become the first Hydro power plant using AC generator, AC transmission line, and AC generators to operate the Gold King Mine operations.  This presentation tells the story this first design, how equipment was delivered to Mine by the Rio Grande Southern Railroad, how the facility was built and 3KV transmission was run for 2.6 miles to the Gold Mill.  After several iterations, the current Ames Power Plant has been operational since 1905 generating 3.6 MW of power.


The password-protected zoom link are shown here on this announcement.   Once you register for the meeting, a password will be sent to you by email before the meeting starts.


Meeting ID: 844 4249 3454 (you need to register for the meeting so you can receive a password sent to you by email before the start of the meeting )




Al Schaffer holds a BS Physics, MSEE, and MS CS.  He worked for Battelle Memorial Institute, Collins Radio, NCR, Digital Equipment Corporation, and HP/Agilient.  He is a retired Professional Engineer (Ohio & Colorado).


WELCOME AND COMMENTS (15-20 minutes)

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