HackTogether: Alberta Virtual 2020 Hackathon
IEEE WIE of the southern Alberta section together with the Department of Mathematics and Computing of Mount Royal University will host HackTogether: Alberta Virtual 2020 Hackathon. This virtual event hopes to bring
together post-secondary students who are passionate about science and technology to develop meaningful insights
pertaining to one of the two themes of the event: (1) the COVID-19 pandemic related challenges, (2) issues surrounding
diversity in STEM fields.
Who Can Participate?
This Hackathon is geared towards Alberta post-secondary students pursuing an education in STEM fields in college, undergraduate, and also graduate programs at masters level. The goal is to give students a chance to work on real-world problems while practicing teamwork and collaboration. Participants will work together as a group in teams of 2-6 members.
- Team registration deadline: Nov. 15, 2020
- Kickoff meeting: Dec. 1, 2020
- Implementation: Dec. 1, 2020 - Feb. 17, 2021
- Submission deadline: Feb. 17, 2021
- Announcement of the finalists: Feb. 20, 2021
- Presentations of finalists: Feb. 27, 2021
- Announcement of winners: Mar. 1, 2021
- Final ceremony: Mar. 8, 2021
Form a team and submit your team and project description on our registration page before the deadline and be sure to answer all of the questions on the submission form. A group can be registered by one of the group members. Submissions are editable until the submission deadline.
Submit your project by sending an email to hacktogetheralberta@gmail.com and make sure to include the following in your submission email:
- Technical solutions - GitHub or other code repository link. Please ensure that this link is publicly shareable so judges can access your project.
- Concept Ideas - A report including the description and details of the concept idea. Template format of the final submission document will be sent to the participants after the registration period.
- All submissions - Video (max: 2 minutes)
- Upload a video and walk-through your solution via YouTube, and include the link in your submission email.
- By submitting a video, you are acknowledging that these materials may be used to promote the hackathon, without extra obligation to you.
Finalists will be invited to do a 10-minute online presentation before the winners are selected.
Submissions will be evaluated by a team of judges from different STEM backgrounds. Solutions will be judged based on the following criteria and weighted accordingly:
- 20% – User experience of the technical solution, quality of the report for concept ideas
- 20% – Innovation & creativity
- 20% – Impact & potential
- 20% – Quality of the implementation and/or research.
- 20% - Final presentation
Winners will be announced after the final presentations.
There will be monetary prizes for the selected submissions of both categories:
- The best technical solution: $ 500 CAD
- The best concept idea: $ 500 CAD
- Runner up for technical solutions: $ 250 CAD
- Runner up for concept ideas: $ 250 CAD
All finalists invited to present their submission will receive honorable mention certificates and winners will be recognized via social media.
Date and Time
- Start time: 01 Dec 2020 09:38 PM
- End time: 04 Dec 2020 09:38 PM
- All times are (GMT-07:00) Canada/Mountain
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