International Seminar on 'Role of Telemedicine and AI in COVID-19 Pandemic'
Role of Telemedicine and AI in COVID-19 Pandemic
Spread the awareness, NOT the Virus.
Coronavirus Seminar Series addresses different aspects of the coronavirus pandemic, bringing together experts to discuss the causes and consequences of this global pandemic.
The seminars aim to provide our community and the public with state-of-the-science information about the pandemic and the role of Telemedicine and AI in this panademic.The experts will provide international vision and forward-looking insights to inspire thoughts and enlighten ideas.
Date and Time
- Date: 12 Dec 2020
- Time: 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
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- Novi, Michigan
- United States 48375
Dr Happy Sithole of National Integrated Cyber - Infrastructure System (NICIS) South Africa
Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Epidemic
Breif introduction on the conducting the meeting
Dr Happy Sithole is Centre manager at National Integrated Cyber - Infrastructure System (NICIS) South Africa
Dr Dharam Sing Jat of Namibia University of Science and Technology
Spread the awareness and Not the Virus
Meeting will cover overview of conference and will discuss event timeline, subject and inviting speakers from different part of world.
Dr Dharam Sing Jat is Professor , Faculty of Computing & Informatics, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Discussion on the topic :
Role of Telemedicine and AI in COVID-19 Pandemic. Main aim of the seminar is to 'Spread the awareness, NOT the Virus'.
Welcome Message:
Welcome Address by Er S.S. Mundi FIE, Chairman, The Institution of Engineers (India), Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre
Introduction about IEEE by Dr Harpreet Singh, President LAG Group Michigan IEEE, Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Wayne State University, MI, USA
Dr Happy Sithole, Center Manager: National Integrated Cyber - Infrastructure System (NICIS), South Africa
Topic: Technology infrastructure and data ecosystem challenges during Covid-19
Dr Sithole will outline the current challenges in the data ecosystem and the technology infrastructure that are relevant to COVID-19. The infrastructure includes registries and clinical data networks to support population-level analysis.
Dr Dharam Jat, Professor, Faculty of Computing & Informatics, Namibia Univeristy of Science & Technology
Topic: How AI play vital role during covid-19 panademic
AI applied to healthcare includes a collection of technologies that enable machines to sense, interpret, act, and learn. With the evolution of data analytics whether applied to big data, population health, practice-specific data, or patient-specific data healthcare services will exponentially expand their ability to leverage artificial intelligence. This session addresses how IoT sensor data and connected health and related devices add a new layer of critical, real-time data that can transform healthcare functions into data-driven services to improve health outcomes, enable remote diagnostics, and deliver healthcare more efficiently.
Er Yahsu Bether, Director of Business, Intelligence and Data Analytics with Govt. Of Saskatshewan, Canada
Topic: Trending data and risk analysis of Covid panademic.
In this session, Mr Bether will examine current COVID-19 data sets and explore what we can learn about this panademic, the data and how it can be applied to fight or even prevent the next panademic. This session examines trending data on consumer familiarity, use, and demand for telehealth services and connected health devices. Also will address the increased risk of infection among healthcare workers and other essential workers
Er Bhupinder Mavi- Secretary IEEE Michigan Group & Vice-Chair IEEE LAG Group
Topic: Role of Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring during Covid-19 panademic
This session will examine the evolving landscape of telemedicine, virtual care , remote patient monitoring and provider education. COVID-19 placed unprecedented pressure on health systems to rapidly embrace virtual care delivery. This panademic has reversed well-established consumer preferences for in-person visits over remote care. Mr Mavi will shed light on innovation from the pre to post COVID era and the growth of virtual care in healthcare.
Dr Baljit Khehra FIE, Honorary Secretary, The Instituion of Engineers (India), Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre
Topic: Neural Network and Mathematical modelling played a central role in understanding transmissibility and serverity of Covid-19
Dr Khehra will provide an overview on how the Artifical neural network and mathematical modelling has played a central role developing this understanding, from estimating key early epidemiological values such as outbreak size, infection tranmissibility and severity of resulting disease, to evaluating the potential effectiveness of control measures, including contact tracing and social distancing measures.
Dr Amar Partap Singh Pharwaha, Professor, ECE SLIET, Longowal, Sangrur, India
Topic: Role of Soft Computing Technique and connected devices to handle covid panademic
This session addresses the role of connected health devices in advancing expanding the future of healthcare. The focal point of care moved away from the care facility and into the home, where patients are encouraged to screen themselves for illness, seek consultative care remotely, and recover from illness at home where possible. Care providers and health systems have leaned on telehealth consultations to make this shift possible.
Thank you note
Vote of thanks by Prof. T.S Kamal FIE, Council Member IEI