2022 IEEE North Jersey Section Awards Banquet
2022 IEEE North Jersey Section Awards Banquet
For more information, please contact:
Ajay Poddar, Email: akpoddar@ieee.org
Date: 01 May 2022
Time: 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM (All times are US/Eastern)
Address: Birchwood Manor, 111 North Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981
Date and Time
- Date: 01 May 2022
- Time: 06:30 PM UTC to 10:00 PM UTC
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- Contact Event Host
Ken Oexle (k.oexle@ieee.org), Adriaan J. van Wijngaarden (avw@ieee.org)Russell Pepe (russell.pepe@atm1.com), Har Dayal (dayalhar@gmail.com)Amit Patel (amitjpatel@netzero.net), Ajay Poddar (akpoddar@ieee.org)
Eduardo (Ed) Palacio, 2022 IEEE USA President
IEEE: Advancing Technology for Humanity
- Speaker: Edward Palacio, 2022 IEEE USA President, Past IEEE R1 Director
- IEEE Organization and Address to Attendees
- Felicitation of the Award Recipients
- IEEE Newly Elevated Fellows: 2020, 2021, 2022
- Global Award Recognition: 2021
- IEEE MGA and Region-1 Awards: 2020, 2021, 2022
- IEEE Societies Awards and IEEE Section Awards: 2020, 2021, 2022
- IEEE North Jersey Section Young Engineer Award Recipients in “NJRSF” and STEM Showcase: 2022
Ed Palacio has 40 years of experience in directing the development and production of complex military electronic systems. He has held Profit and Loss responsibility at the Business Unit and Sector levels, as well as functional leadership positions in Program Management, Engineering, and Operations. Currently, he is President of P&L Technical Management Solutions, a Small Business focused on technology, program, and business development for the military and civilian market. He currently serves on various Executive Boards for the IEEE, Industry, and Academia. He currently teaches at Stony Brook University’s Department of Technology and Society. Ed holds a B.E.E from the Cooper Union School of Engineering and Science and two M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Technology Management from the Polytechnic Institute of New York. He serves on the IEEE Board of Directors as the Region 1 Director for 2020-2021.
Address:United States
Dr. Ajay Kumar Poddar of Synergy Microwave Corp., 201 McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ, USA
North Jersey Section Awards Event
- Section Chair’s Welcome Address
- IEEE North Jersey Section Technical Events (Meetings, Workshops, Student Design Contest, YP, and WiE)
- Humanitarian Project Activities
- Inter-Section and Inter-Society Collaborations
Dr. Ajay Poddar’ received his Bachelor of Technology Degree in Electronics and Communication in 1990 from NIT-Calicut, Kerala, Electronic Fellowship Diploma in 1992 from DIAT (Defense Institute of Advanced Technology) Pune, Master of Technology Degree in Radar & Communication Engineering from IIT- Delhi in 1996, Diploma from FUCHS-Johannesburg, RSA in 1997; Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) from TUB- Berlin, Germany in 2004 and Post Doctorate (Dr.-Ing. habil) from BTU-Cottbus, Germany in 2015. From 1991 until 2001 he worked as Senior Scientist and Program Manager in DRDO, Govt. of India, where his research work was in the field of RADAR, Guidance Systems, microwave/millimeter-wave electronic sensors, and microelectromechanical systems for defense, industry, and medical applications. Since 2001, he has been working as a Chief Scientist at Synergy Microwave Corp., New Jersey, USA, responsible for the design and development of state-of-the-art signal generation and signal processing electronics for current and later generation communication systems. His current research interests include Mobius Metamaterial-inspired Energy efficient electronic circuits and systems that include high dynamic range sensors for biomedical, industrial, space, and low-cost technology for humanitarian applications. He has received over dozen awards for scientific and technological innovations, holds over two dozen patents, published over 300 papers in international symposiums and journals, and co-authored 4 technical books/chapters. His current research interests include Mobius Metamaterial-inspired Energy efficient electronic circuits and systems that include high dynamic range sensors for biomedical, industrial, space, and low-cost technology for humanitarian applications.
Address:2 River Drive , , Elmwood Park, United States, 07407
The event is meant to appreciate and honor the newly elevated Fellows in our Section, as well as the recipients of technical and other major IEEE awards, IEEE Region-1 Awards, and IEEE Section Awards.
2:30 PM-3:00 PM-Photo Session for Award Recipients
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM - Welcome to the arriving guests
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM - Dinner
4:15 PM - 5:30 PM - Awards Ceremony
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Coffee/Desserts
2022 IEEE North Jersey Section Awards Banquet