GT CED: Introduction to Alarm Management – An Overview of ISA 18.2 & IEC 62682

#HOU #Sec #Houston #Section #2022 #GreenTech #Seminar #CED #Alarm #Systems #ISA #18.2 #IEC #62682


This course provides an introduction and overview of alarm management. We will review a history of alarm management published standards ANSI/ISA18.2, Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries, and the IEC version, IEC62682 of the same name.

The course will provide an introduction to what are standards and how they are used by regulatory bodies. In addition, the course will cover the importance of alarm management and review several significant industry incidents in which casual factors were due to poor alarm management.

The alarm management lifecycle from ISA18.2 and IEC62682 will be introduced and the parts of the lifecycle will be covered. These activities include alarm philosophy development, alarm rationalization, basic alarm design, advanced alarm techniques, HMI design for alarms, monitoring, assessment, management of change, and audit. We will discuss the entry points to the lifecycle for starting alarm management improvement projects.

Finally, we will discuss key alarm management references for you to utilize in your alarm management improvement projects.

Participants will learn about the standards for alarm management and the lifecycle and how they address the common problems of alarm systems.

Key benefits of this course include:

  • Learning about the alarm management standards and how standard impact you
  • Learning the requirements of the standards on the Management of Alarm Systems
  • Learning the alarm management lifecycle
  • Learning about the common alarm management problems
  • Learning the best practices to improve the alarm system performance
  • Learning the metrics to measure success in alarm management

Eaton Experience Center Virtual Tour

  Date and Time




  • Date: 31 Mar 2022
  • Time: 01:00 PM to 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 3413 North Sam Houston Pkwy W
  • Houston, Texas
  • United States 77086
  • Building: Eaton Experience Center

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • This is an In-Person event and additional safety and registration information will be forwarded to all registered attendees. 

  • Co-sponsored by Houston Section
  • Starts 25 February 2022 09:30 PM
  • Ends 30 March 2022 12:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Admission fee ?


Donald Dunn, ISA Fellow and IEEE Fellow, Waldemar S. Nelson & Co. Donald Dunn, ISA Fellow and IEEE Fellow, Waldemar S. Nelson & Co. of IEEE, ISA, Waldemar S. Nelson & Co.


Donald G. Dunn is a Senior Consultant with WS Nelson providing consulting services within the Refining, Chemical, and various other industries. He has spent the majority of his career at end-user organizations in various roles with an impressive track record of more than 30 years of experience in delivering technological innovation to improve processes and procedures and to enhance revenue, efficiency, and market share. He is currently a fellow of both IEEE and ISA. He has authored or co-authored in excess of sixty technical papers and has been an invited author and presenter at numerous additional IEEE and ISA International, National, and Regional conferences. He has held numerous leadership positions within the IEEE, ISA, IEC, and API since 1996. He is a member of the IEEE, ISA, NFPA, API, and IEC standards working groups. He co-chairs ISA18, chairs IEEE841 & 841.1 is the convener of IEC62682 and has actively led and participated in numerous other standards. Mr. Dunn has served as the IEEE Houston Section chairman in 2001, 2002, 2006, 2011-2012, Vice President for the ISA Standards and Practices Board in 2011-2012, chairman of the IEEE IAS Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee (PCIC) for 2012-2014 and chairman of the API Subcommittee on Electrical Equipment 2012-2015. In 2015, he was elected to serve a three-year term on the ISA Board of Directors 2015-2018. Currently, Mr. Dunn is the Co-Chair of the ISA Technology Search Committee and the Chair of the ISA Technical Assembly. In 2016, he received the “Keith Otto Award” from the ISA Publications Department, which recognizes the author(s) of the best article in InTech magazine - July/August 2015 article titled, “Automation IT – Diagnosing your alarm system”. In 2016, Donald also received from the IEEE IAS PCIC their “Outstanding Technical Contribution Award”, which recognizes the dedicated technical contributions of the individual to the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee (PCIC). In 2017, he received the Russell W. Mills award, recognizing his outstanding dedication and service to furthering the objectives of the PCIC. Donald is a Certified Automation Professional® through ISA and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Prairie View A&M University.

Address:United States


Visit IEEE 2022 GreenTech Program, CED On-Demand, and Workshops & Tutorials page for additional schedules and options. 

Your registration will include this seminar, PDH Certificate, Keynote Address, Facility Tour, and Lunch.