Improving renewable grid reliability through precision measurement
A range of unique measurement standards will support integration of renewable energy sources into electricity networks.
This talk will provide an overview of novel research to underpin the delivery of renewable energy. Some examples include:
- New reference measurement systems for electrical power at frequencies up to 200 kHz, harmonics and flicker. Not only the amplitude of powerline harmonics but also their phase with respect to the fundamental can now be measured with an uncertainty of 0.001 degrees, traceable directly to the International System of Units (SI) via quantum voltage standards based on the Josephson effect.
- A reference system to calibrate Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) that measure a number of physical quantities, including rate of change of frequency, synchronised to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) using timing signals that are derived from the Global Positioning System (GPS) and/or other Global Navigation Satellite Systems. The new NMI facility provides calibration of PMUs traceable to the Australian national standards of electrical and time quantities.
- State of the art reference systems for measuring complex high voltage waveforms up to 100 kV and currents up to 4000 A in the frequency range up to 20 kHz.
Rapid development of sustainable sources of energy and energy-efficient appliances comes with a challenge – to ensure safe and reliable operation of electricity grids and equipment connected to them. Learn how precision measurement provides a foundation to quantify the risks associated with the variation in the powerline frequency, fast transients and degrading power quality caused by high-frequency harmonics, flicker and voltage fluctuations. Become immersed in the fascinating world of leading-edge electrical measurement science and technology.
Date and Time
- Date: 31 Mar 2022
- Time: 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+11:00) Sydney
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- Harricks Auditorium, Engineers Australia, Sydney Office,
- 44 Market St
- Sydney, New South Wales
- Australia 200-
Dr Ilya Budovsky of Standards for Electrical and Time Quantities, National Measurement Institute
Dr Ilya Budovsky FEAust
Manager, Standards for Electrical and Time Quantities, National Measurement Institute
Dr Ilya Budovsky heads the Electricity Section at Australia’s National Measurement Institute of Australia. He is responsible for the development as dissemination of Australian physical standards of measurement for electrical and time quantities. Many of these standards resulted from his research. He also leads the Energy Efficiency Focus Group of the Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme, a regional grouping of national metrology institutes. Dr Budovsky is a Fellow of Engineers Australia, Senior Member of IEEE and the Australian representative to the Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (CCEM) and several IEC standards committees.
This is both a face to face and virtual presentation. Please register for details.