Update on Pending Major Revisions to ANSI C63.4 and the NEW ANSI C63.25.2
Join Us at a LIVE Webinar with Experts from the American National Standards Committee C63® to Learn How These Important EMC Standards Affect Your Work! All members and guests are welcome to attend, but you must register in advance.
This webinar will provide an update on the NEXT EDITION of ANSI C63.4 (Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz) and the NEW ANSI C63.25.2 (Validation Methods for Radiated Emission Test Sites, 30 MHz to 1 GHz). It is expected these two standards will be published concurrently in early 2023 - attend the webinar to learn why the concurrent publication timing is IMPORTANT.
In addition to our speakers being active technical contributors to the writing of these standards, our moderator is Daniel D. Hoolihan, Chair of ANSC C63 that develops these standards. Mr. Hoolihan is President of Hoolihan EMC Consulting. His 50 years of experience in the EMC engineering profession began at Control Data Corporation. Since January 2000, he has been consulting in EMC engineering. Mr. Hoolihan has been a member of the IEEE since 1983 and is currently a Life Senior Member. From 1998-1999 he was President of the IEEE EMC Society and has served on its Board of Directors for many years since 1987. He has held numerous leadership positions within the EMC Society and currently serves as Chair of the History Committee. Mr. Hoolihan received his MS degree in Physics from Louisiana State University in 1969 and his MBA from the University of Minnesota in 1975.
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Apr 2022
- Time: 08:00 AM to 09:30 AM
- All times are (GMT-08:00) US/Pacific
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- Cedar Park, Texas
- United States
Andy Griffin of Cisco Systems
Update on ANSI C63.4:202x – The Latest Developments
For the last five years, a Working Group within Subcommittee 1, Techniques and Developments, has been working on developing the latest edition of the seminal C63 standard ANSI C63.4. Currently, the Working Group consists of 26 members representing industry and government organizations from the US and Canada. Several key changes have been implemented to align with new technologies, and some others still need to be finalized. This presentation will cover the latest status of the document and describe important changes in the next revision to ANSI C63.4 including a new definition of measurement distance, clarifications of the EUT layout and setup, the 2 dB rule, radiated emission measurements above 1 GHz, dated references, and other important considerations.
Andy Griffin is an EMC Standardization Subject Matter Expert with Cisco Systems located in San Jose, California. He has over 30 years of experience in the EMC industry. Currently, he is the Chair of CISPR H WG1 and Co-Chair of CISPR I MT8. Mr. Griffin is also a member of various CISPR I, CISPR A, CISPR H, and TC 77 Working Groups and Task Forces. In addition to the CISPR standards committees, he is a member of ETSI ERM EMC and CENELEC TC 210, TC209. As a long-time member of the C63.4 Working Group, in 2020 he assumed the role of Chair of the ANSI Subcommittee 1 C63.4 Working Group. He is a member of several other ANSC Subcommittees and Working Groups.
Address:San Jose, California, United States
Zhong Chen of ETS-Lindgren
Streamlining Site Validation Measurements Below 1 GHz in ANSI C63.25.2
Normalized Site Attenuation (NSA) measurements have become a synonym for site validation measurements below 1 GHz. However, the NSA process has created confusions in the industry because a user needs to ostensibly go through an unnecessary theoretical NSA calculation. The newly proposed method in C63.25.2 removes these extraneous steps so the site validation measurement process can be reduced to either a Site Comparison Method (SCM) or a Delta NSA (DNSA) method. The SCM is similar in concept to the Reference Site Method (RSM) in the CISPR standards. The DNSA method, which is applicable to common biconical antennas, eliminates the need to go through a dipole theoretical NSA and Geometry-Specific Correction Factors (GSCF). These new approaches streamline the site validation process for below 1 GHz applications and reduce the confusion for the users of the standards. This presentation will go through the rationales and show the equivalencies of the new and the previous methods. (As of March 2022, the draft ANSI C63.25.2 standard has been approved by the C63 Main Committee. The Working Group is currently addressing comments. Provide YOUR comments at the webinar!)
Zhong Chen is the Director of RF Engineering with ETS-Lindgren, located in Cedar Park, Texas. He has over 25 years of experience in RF testing, anechoic chamber design, as well as antenna and EMC field probe design and measurements. He is currently a member of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) Board of Directors. Mr. Chen is the Chair of Subcommittee 1 of ANSC C63, which is responsible for EMC antenna calibration and test site validation standards. He is also chair of the IEEE Standard 1309 committee responsible for developing calibration standards for field probes, and IEEE Standard 1128 for absorber measurements. He has served as a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE EMC Society. His research interests include measurement uncertainty, time domain measurements, and development of novel RF absorber materials. Mr. Chen received his M.S.E.E. degree in Electromagnetics from the Ohio State University at Columbus.
Address:Cedar Park, Texas, United States
All times shown are Pacific Daylight Time
8:00 am Welcome and Announcements – Mr. Dan Hoolihan, Chair, ANSC C63®
8:05 am Update on ANSI C63.4:202x - Latest Developments By Andy Griffin, EMC Standardization Subject Matter Expert, Cisco Systems, San Jose, California
8:40 am Streamlining Site Validation Measurements Below 1 GHz in C63.25.2 By Zhong Chen, Director of RF Engineering, ETS-Lindgren, Cedar Park, Texas
9:15 am Q&A with the Speakers, moderated by Mr. Hoolihan
9:30 am Wrap Up/Final Comments
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