ExCom Meeting


VM: Status on transfer of funds from EMBS to IEEE? Status on reimbursement for social event?

Still working on informational flyer for the Linkedin Officers page (Introduction to EMBS/Meet the Officers) - To receive headshots from Vlad and Sai (if interested)
Make sure we tag ourselves on the Linkedin when Divya has everything up and running
Vlad is able to help with advertisement

Reached out to a couple of student chapters (BU, MIT, UMass-Amherst) - awaiting response
(Sai recommended to not reach out to the EMBS emails, since these could be dormant - recommended to reach out to BMES instead) - Kamal to send emails out to BMES within universities as well

Sai: Is the Worcester EMBS active? Unlikely (Vlad)

RM: Found the person for the Cybersecurity person for presentation
Talk for this would be preferable for mid-December (week of 12th?)
Attended CIC - We can have this place for free, however we need to reserve this. Maybe have an in-person seminar?
(Vlad: There are a lot of folks at WPI for the cybersecurity as well)

  Date and Time




  • Date: 21 Oct 2022
  • Time: 02:00 PM to 02:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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