Vancouver TALK 13: Rural Electrification Association

#talk #life

Speaker: Glen Fox

Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect.
10:00 AM P.S.T. You can log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello.
All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local Affinity Group.

There was no speaker for last month, busy with Christmas. We are looking for speakers for the rest of the year, contact Carl Zanon <> if interested.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 18 Feb 2023
  • Time: 05:45 PM UTC to 07:00 PM UTC
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  • Starts 25 January 2023 09:00 PM UTC
  • Ends 18 February 2023 09:00 PM UTC
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Glen Fox Glen Fox


Rural Electrification Association in Alberta

In Canada, Rural Electrification Associations (REAs) are unique to Alberta. They provide power for consumers in rural communities each within a specific geographic boundary. Each REA has an elected board of directors that handles the business operations of the REA.  After WWII, Alberta REAs brought power to the rural areas of Alberta, whereas in other provinces, the provincial governments and their generally provincially owned utilities brought power to their rural areas.  Equs is now the largest member owned utility in Canada.
Glen's presentation will describe how rural Alberta came together to create the many REAs and how they brought power to rural Alberta.

Last year, the Alberta REAs celebrated their 75th anniversary.  All Albertans (and Canadians) should know how power was brought to the rural areas of Canada and in this case Alberta.


Glen Fox is the Chair of the Board of Directors of Equs Rural Electrification Association (Equs REA).  He has been involved with this REA since 2014.
o    Chair of Board of Equs (Alberta’s largest REA)
o    Owned and operated a consulting firm
o    Lives in rural Alberta with a passion for rural Alberta
o    Has three daughters and is “retired”

Address:Innisfail, Alberta, Canada


In the 1940s, the Alberta government asked the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) to bring power to rural Alberta. The IOUs declined, citing cost as a factor. With this reality, Alberta farmers decided to step up and formed co-operatives, also known as Rural Electrification Associations (REAs), to bring electricity to rural Alberta. 


REAs in Alberta Discusses how rural electrification evolved somewhat differently in Alberta than in the rest of Canada 12.70 KiB