Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee Meeting was held online on Jan 28, 2023, from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM IST.
Members Present:
1) Prof. Vrijendra Singh
2) Prof. Nishchal K. Verma
3) Prof. R. K. Misra
4) Dr. Sujeet Mishra
5) Dr. Teena Sharma
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Jan 2023
- Time: 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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Welcome and Announcements: The chairman welcomed all the members present in the meeting.
Agenda Item #1: Ratification of minutes of the previous meeting.
Discussion: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the consent of members present in the meeting.
Agenda Item #2: Office bearers for the year 2023.
Discussion: Prof. Vrijendra Singh read the slate of the office bearers for the year 2023 and the slate has been approved with the consent of members present in the meeting.
Action Item: The officers' reporting must be done to IEEE vtools.
Agenda Item #3: Certificate Course on Machine Learning using Python Programming organized by AI Foundation Trust
Discussion: Prof. Vrijendra Singh has informed that Prof. Praveen Shukla has requested for one-month online certification course on machine learning using python programming which is being organized by AI Foundation Trust. Prof. Shukla has shared the details of the program and requested permission for the same to be organized with the technical and logo support of the IEEE CIS UP Section Chapter (CIS11). With the consent of the members present, the request has been approved in principle considering the activities of the event to be organized shouldn’t be delayed and the paper formalities will be completed by Prof. Shukla.
Action Item: Prof. Praveen Shukla is requested to fill out the technical support request application and submit the same to the Chairman, CIS’11
Agenda Item #4: Transferring the funds to the chapter’s account for the organization of the event in IIT Indore
Discussion: Prof. Vrijendra Singh has informed that Prof. Tanveer is organizing an event at IIT Indore, and the funds are supposed to be transferred from IEEE CIS to the chapter’s account as Madhya Pradesh currently doesn’t have a CIS chapter. Prof. Sonali Agrawal added that the chapter is technically sponsoring the event and acting as a custodian of the funds. Prof. R. K. Misra, Prof. Nishchal K. Verma, Prof. Vrijendra Singh, and Prof. Sonali Agrawal had a discussion that even if being the custodian of the funds being transferred by IEEE CIS to the chapter’s account, the chapter should make sure that the funds are spent on the activities along with being a technical sponsor.
Action Item: The funds will be transferred for the event as soon the chapter receives the same from IEEE CIS.
Agenda Item #5: Membership for the year 2023
Discussion: All the members present were requested to renew their IEEE and CIS membership for the officer reporting of the year 2023.
Action Item: Members are requested to renew the membership
The meeting was adjourned with a vote of thanks at 08:00 PM IST.
Next Meeting: To be announced.
Minutes Prepared By: Dr. Teena Sharma