The 11th IEEE Israel AP/MTT and Tel Aviv University Underwater Acoustics Symposium
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to attend The 11th IEEE Israel AP/MTT Chapter and Tel Aviv University Underwater Acoustics Symposium, Thursday 15 June, 2023.
A preliminary program of the conference is attached.
Participation is free of charge, but advance registration at is required.
The same link is embedded in the program.
Please spread this message.
Best regards,
Amir Boag and Or Lasri
Prof. Amir Boag
Department of Physical Electronics, School of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel
Phone: +972-3-6408246 E-mail:
Cellular: +972-50-9422426
Fax: +972-3-6423508 URL:
Date and Time
- Date: 15 Jun 2023
- Time: 09:00 AM to 05:15 PM
- All times are (UTC+03:00) Jerusalem
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- Tel Aviv University
- Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District
- Israel
- Building: Software Engineering building
- Room Number: Rosenblatt Auditorium
09:00-09:30 Registration & Coffee
09:30-09:40 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Prof. Noam Eliaz - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Amir Boag - TAU Underwater Acoustics Center
09:40-10:40 Capt. Ioannis Androulakis – MANiBUS Ltd., Greece
The Underwater Aspects of Maritime Security - Underwater Acoustics: Technologies and
10:40-11:00 Prof. Ehud Heyman – Tel Aviv University
The Spectral Theory of Transient (STT): New Directions and Canonical Integrals
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-11:50 Iris Roger-Eitan and Dr. Anna Gleizer – Rafael
Near Field to Far Field – Numerical and Physical Methods
11:20-12:10 Dr. Evgeny Chernokozhin and Prof. Amir Boag – Tel Aviv University
Evolution of Solvers for Acoustic Scattering by Thin Elastic Shells
12:10-12:30 Dr. Lea Beilkin-Sirota – Tel Aviv University
Active Acoustic Imitation of a Rigid Object under Varying Detection Frequency
12:30-12:50 Prof. Boris Katsnelson – Haifa University
Landau-Zener Mechanism of the Waveguide Mode Coupling and its Manifestation in Shallow Water Sound
12:50-13:50 Lunch on site (Dairy)
13:50-14:10 Azriel Sinai and Yaron Doweck – Rafael, Yair Mazal – Ben Gurion University
Real Time Control, Telemetry and Image Streaming from and to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
14:10-14:30 Prof. Roee Diamant – Haifa University, Prof. Paolo Casari University of Trento, Italy &
Prof. Stefano Tomasin – University of Padova, Italy
Secret Key Generation from Route Propagation Delays for Underwater Acoustic Networks
14:30-14:50 Prof. Izhak Bucher, Maya Friedlander, and Ernst Uscinski – Technion
Leveraging Ultrasonic Parametric Acoustic Arrays to Manipulate External Low-Frequency Sounds
14:50-15:10 Nadav Arbel, Prof. Moshe Tur, and Prof. Avishay Eyal – Tel Aviv University
Quasi-distributed Ultrasound Sensing via an Array of Fiber Bragg Gratings
15:10–15:40 Coffee Break & Refreshments
15:40-16:00 Prof. Joseph Tabrikian – Ben-Gurion University
Optimal Model Order Selection in Normal Modes Model Using Misspecified Cramer-Rao Bound
16:00-17:00 Dr. Gil Averbuch – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
New England Shelf Break and Seamount Acoustics
17:00 - Wine and Cheese Reception