IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer Talk: “Noise Performance challenges for MOS devices at nanoscale”
Abstract: After the first demonstration of the MOSFET in 1960 at Bell Laboratories, the understanding of its intrinsic noise mechanisms quickly followed. However, poor sensitivity of integrated lightwave receivers could not be explained based on the above analyses. To understand and push these limits of the then nascent MOS technology, discovery and understanding of a host of extrinsic noise mechanisms was actively pursued at Bell Labs. In this presentation, a physical understanding of both intrinsic and extrinsic noise mechanisms in an IGFET is developed. Intrinsic noise mechanisms fundamental to device operation include channel thermal noise, induced gate noise and induced substrate noise. Non-quasi-static effects that have been analytically modeled are also discussed. Extrinsic noise mechanisms manifested due to structural evolution of the MOSFET include excess channel noise, distributed gate resistance noise, distributed substrate resistance noise, bulk charge effects, substrate current super-shot noise and gate current noise. Changes in the device structure to improve the noise performance by suppressing the effects of the extrinsic noise mechanisms will also be discussed. This work has resulted in almost an order of magnitude improvement in the noise performance of these devices making them an ideal choice for wireless and lightwave communications. MOSFET excess channel noise continues to be an active area of research.
Date and Time
- Date: 02 Nov 2023
- Time: 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-07:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
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- 8888 University Dr.
- Burnaby, British Columbia
- Canada V5A 1S6
- Building: Applied Science Building
- Room Number: ASB 10704
Renuka of Eminent Scientist & Chief Technology Officer, Vanderziel Institute of Science and Technology, LLC
Noise Performance challenges for MOS devices at nanoscale
Abstract: After the first demonstration of the MOSFET in 1960 at Bell Laboratories, the understanding of its intrinsic noise mechanisms quickly followed. However, poor sensitivity of integrated lightwave receivers could not be explained based on the above analyses. To understand and push these limits of the then nascent MOS technology, discovery and understanding of a host of extrinsic noise mechanisms was actively pursued at Bell Labs. In this presentation, a physical understanding of both intrinsic and extrinsic noise mechanisms in an IGFET is developed. Intrinsic noise mechanisms fundamental to device operation include channel thermal noise, induced gate noise and induced substrate noise. Non-quasi-static effects that have been analytically modeled are also discussed. Extrinsic noise mechanisms manifested due to structural evolution of the MOSFET include excess channel noise, distributed gate resistance noise, distributed substrate resistance noise, bulk charge effects, substrate current super-shot noise and gate current noise. Changes in the device structure to improve the noise performance by suppressing the effects of the extrinsic noise mechanisms will also be discussed. This work has resulted in almost an order of magnitude improvement in the noise performance of these devices making them an ideal choice for wireless and lightwave communications. MOSFET excess channel noise continues to be an active area of research.
Speaker biography: Renuka P. Jindal joined Bell Labs, Murray Hill, New Jersey following his PhD from the University of Minnesota in 1981. His pioneering research in submicrometer-MOS devices produced a tenfold noise suppression, making MOS-technology ideally suited for fiber-optics and wireless communications. Dr. Jindal demonstrated single-chip silicon gigahertz-band RFICs and invented novel devices and circuits using finite-medium-avalanching and enunciated the principle of random-multiplication. In addition, he developed a Lucent-wide RF manufacturing test-strategy. Dr. Jindal also taught RFIC design at Rutgers University. In 2002, he joined University of Louisiana as William and Mary Hansen Hall Board of Regents Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair setting a world record on sub-100 nm MOS noise performance. In 2017, he was named Eminent Scientist and CTO of Vanderziel Institute of Science and Technology, LLC, Princeton, New Jersey. He continues research in stochastic processes across disciplines of Engineering, Material Science, Physics, Biology, and Medicine.
Dr. Jindal received the DMTS award from Bell Labs in 1989 and was elected an IEEE Fellow in 1991. In 2000, he received the IEEE 3rd Millennium Medal. He served IEEE T- ED as Editor from 1987 to 1989 and as Editor-in-Chief from 1990 to 2000, as VP publications from 2000 to 2008 and as President of IEEE Electron Devices Society from 2010 to 2011. In 2013, he launched the Open Access J- EDS serving as Editor-in-Chief until 2016. The IEEE EDS Distinguished Service Award came next. He was elected as IEEE Division Delegate/Director in 2017 and served on the IEEE Board thru 2019 continuing his role as past Division I Delegate/Director.
Address:Princeton, United States