Let's Meet - Inside the Campus (Ghent)

#IEEEDay #kuleuven #letsmeet #iot #cybersecurity-threats

As an annual tradition at the beginning of the academic year, we are taking you “Inside the Campus” for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look of the research happening at the campus. Two researchers, Adriaan Jacobs and Dairo de Ruck, will each give a fascinating presentation about their research. After the presentation, there will be an opportunity to network while enjoying some snacks and drinks, the perfect chance to meet fellow students, researchers, and faculty members!

  Date and Time




  • Date: 03 Oct 2023
  • Time: 07:00 PM to 10:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Brussels
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1
  • Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen
  • Belgium 9000

  • Contact Event Host


Adriaan Jacobs of KU Leuven


The Endless Tale of Memory Error Defense and Exploitation

Since the inadvertent success of the Morris worm in 1988, critical systems written in unsafe programming languages (C, C++, among others) have seen an influx of increasingly complex cyberattacks, often with great success. Despite nearly half a century of dedicated efforts to create effective defenses, the attackers always seem to remain a (few) step(s) ahead. In this talk, I will overview some historical milestones in this ongoing battle and take a peek at some new attacks lurking around the corner. 


Dairo de Ruck of KU Leuven


IoT: The Insecurity of a Comfortable Life

IoT has been making life a LOT easier. With things like smart watches, we don't need to pretend to be interested in the content of our watch in a boring meeting, since it can just display a video. Smart scales don't just say how much you weigh, but can also tell you need to drink more water. Electric cars tell will coast you to your destination while telling you you need to charge in 5 min for the next 5 hours. And last but not least, our critical infrastructure (like energy grids) are fully remote controllable, making it a very juicy target for state hacking groups and hacktivists. If the irony hasn't been sensed yet, while these tools are indeed very handy to save time and make life more comfortable, they are rapidly creating a very big problem most of us are not (mentally) ready to solve.
In this talk I will give some cool anecdotes and guide you to each problem and try to formulate a solution
