On Eve of IEEE Day - IEEE SPS & IEEE WIE AG Hyderabad Section are organizing a Talk on "Digital Crimes-Strategies"
On Eve of IEEE Day - IEEE SPS & IEEE WIE AG Hyderabad Section are organizing a Talk on "Digital Crimes-Strategies" on 6th October, 2023 from 6.15 PM to 8.15PM online mode
On Eve of IEEE Day - IEEE SPS & IEEE WIE AG Hyderabad Section are organizing a Talk on "Digital Crimes-Strategies" on 6th October, 2023 from 6.15 PM to 8.15PM online mode
In the age pf total dependency of Technology, user has become slave of technology rather the master. Security is provided by every agency, is relatively sufficient, how ever unless awareness of the technique is shared properly even the security technology may not be sufficient. This session will be delivering the information related to Cyber Crimes, latest trends, Law, Investigation, Security and Forensics for students as well as professionals.
Speaker: Mr. Ramamohan Ukkalam
Superintendent of police -AP.
Took part in technical investigation of around 5000 cases of bombs and bombings which include number of sensational crimes of India,
Participated in the investigation of many sensational cases
He has rich experience in handling digital evidence and has handled 1000 cases of digital crime investigation
Mr. U.Rama Mohan worked in APFSL as Computer Forensic Expert and Explosives expert, and also designed and developed CLUES teams for crime scene investigation.
He is decorated with two UN International police medals for working in Kosovo during 2000-01 and in Haiti during 2009 -10 as peace keeping officer and trained many police officers of those countries.
He is also decorated with the Indian police medal for the year 2006.
His meritorious service has won him Two National Awards from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
He received all the three A P state police medals in the combined state, for distinguished service.
He has successfully given court evidence in the UK as an expert.
He is a regular guest faculty for National Police Academy, AP Police Academy, CBI Academy, AP Judicial Academy, Central Detective Training School, RBI, IDRBT and various universities all over the country.
He has authored books “Cyber Crime and Law” Child in CyberSpace” and many articles in periodicals and published many papers in International Publications
He is awarded with LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD by Digital Investigators Association of India.
He is member of research advisory group in BITS Pilani University for cloud forensics and Syllabus Board Member for Raksha Shakti Police University of Ahmedabad. Regular Speaker and adviser for Several courses in NALSAR University, Bhopal Law University.
Time: 6.15 PM to 8.15 PM
Date and Time
- Date: 06 Oct 2023
- Time: 06:15 PM to 08:15 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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- Contact Event Hosts
Dr.P. Laxminarayana| Chair, SPS IEEE Hyderabad Section |laxminarayana@osmania.ac.in
Dr.Y.Padma Sai| Vice- Chair, SPS IEEE Hyderabad Section |Padmasai_y@ieee.org
Dr. Sharath. Inguva| Treasurer, SPS IEEE Hyderabad Section|sharath.inguva@gmail.com
Dr. S. Harivardhagini| Chair, WIE AG, IEEE Hyderabad SEction |harivardhagini@ieee.org
Welcoming the audience
Introduction of the Speaker
Talk by the Speaker
Vote of Thanks
On Eve of IEEE Day - IEEE SPS & IEEE WIE AG Hyderabad Section are organizing a Talk on "Digital Crimes-Strategies" on 6th October, 2023 from 6.15 PM to 8.15PM online mode
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