IEEE -BAU-SB-Branch Administrator meeting
1-Welcoming the committee members
- Discussion of the mechanism for determining the percentage of active members in each society (a form filled out by the community's MD) includes various questions that demonstrate the effectiveness of the members.This happens every Saturday.
- Branch task for the new members:
Two proposals:
2-Interview with all applicants to join the IEEE organization. The committee consists of the branch committee and the society committee that the applicant wishes to join. This is because technical skills alone are not sufficient, and the selection of individuals with good manners and social intelligence is equally important as high ratings in tasks.
1-Presentation: Members are divided into groups of five from different society , with each team given a different topic to research. The goal is to enable members to introduce themselves properly and promote communication among all members from various societies . The reviewing committee consists of a supervisor for the topic/project presented and one member of the committee.
- IEEE Day Projects:
All projects are under construction until now but are about to be completed.
3- PR:
Discussion of the communities' courses that will be offered on IEEE Day, which will be announced on 10/21. The courses and speakers are ready in all communities except the RAS community.
4- Discuss restructuring the office before new members join, immediately after completing IEEE Day, to make it a place qualified for work and study only. Rules for seating in the office will be printed and hung on the office walls.
5- Social Media:
Announcement of IEEE courses on 10/21 within an hour.
6- Space and Electronics Society:
The application to establish a space community has been accepted, and they are currently searching for an advisor for the community.
7- Branch Drive:
- Emphasis on the importance of regularly updating, while considering coordination and organization. It's necessary for each member of the committee to ensure they have access to everything related to them, as mentioned in the initial roadmap.
8- Secretary:
- Confirming the need to update on vTools, coordinate with the community chairs, and notify those who are delayed.
- Agreement with the MD to provide a Technical Writing workshop for the Secretary to improve report presentations.
- Collaboration among committee members to attempt to enhance the Sight community.
9- Space and Electronics Society:
- The request to launch the Space community has been accepted, and they are currently searching for an advisor for the community.
10- IEEE DAY 24/10:
-1 Advertising methods:
The idea of recording reels about projects and work within the communities, with speakers present.
Posters to be placed in various locations within the university.
Roll-up banners and brochures that include a brief explanation of IEEE and all communities, the announcement of IEEE Day, and the events that will take place on the stage, ensuring they move to different buildings throughout the week to reach all students.
-2 Day IEEE projects should be ready by 10/22, with the requirement of having a simple project with the branch's name.
-3 T-Shirt:
Adoption of the same design as last year and discussion with the Community Chairs to determine the number of individuals who do not have one.
-4 Extension of electricity to the field.
-5 Stage events:
Opening ceremony (9-11)
Poetry, a brief introduction by each Community Chair, a performance, announcement of the Space Community, and Sumo competition.
(11:30-1:30) Moving to the field.
(2:00) Sumo, Kahoot, awards, and closing ceremony.
-6 Awards:
Register attendees' names before entering using a barcode and draw names using a roulette at the end of the event.
Distribute awards within the chairs.
Awards for competitions held at the booths and expect Sumo.
-7 WhatsApp group:
To confirm attendance at the event for the distribution of discounts on seats.
-8 Confirmation of community chairs that need roll-up banners, printed materials, and T-shirts, with a quantity limit during three days and a single recommendation.
-9 Organizer's form:
Eight members from each community will be selected with the help of the chair to distribute them among competitions, the stage, and external arrangements.
-10 Four members stand for each project.
-11 MD's suggestion for booths with creative and entertaining ideas.
-12 A general suggestion to communities to create hospitality booths involving different members.
11- Work Confidentiality:
Preserving the confidentiality of work in general and each member of the committee with their respective team. If any shortcomings are observed in any member, they are addressed personally. If there is no response, communication is made with the branch committee.
Date and Time
- Date: 10 Oct 2023
- Time: 09:00 PM to 10:40 PM
- All times are (UTC+03:00) Riyadh
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