INJAZ workshop: innovation camp 9th Edition

#collab #wie #isetbizerte #InnovationCamp #Business

In a collaborative effort, the Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group IEEE ISET Bizerte SB, together with the 4C Center at ISET Bizerte, partnered with INJAZ Tunisia to organize an awareness program for students highlighting the importance of innovation within a business context.

Key Program Elements:

  1. Innovation Camp Workshops:
  • The program, titled "Innovation Camp", featured intensive entrepreneurship workshops adopting a participative pedagogical approach known as "Learning by Doing."
  • Students were immersed in hands-on sessions, challenging them to tackle economic or social challenges and propose innovative solutions for a sustainable business.
  1. Local Competition:
  • The program initiated with a local competition held at the institutional level. A one-day, 5-hour intensive training session was conducted by a team of volunteers mobilized by INJAZ.
  • Objectives:
    • Demonstrate the importance of innovation in businesses to students.
    • Teach students to identify investment opportunities.
    • Guide students in establishing a consistent corporate identity.
    • Instruct students in modeling their project ideas in the form of a "Business Model."
    • Provide students with the opportunity to develop skills such as teamwork, time management, stress and conflict management, and public speaking.
  1. Competition Structure:
  • The local competition unfolded over five hours, with key activities including ICE Break activities, analysis of a given problem, presentation of analyses, formation of various companies' identities, creation of "Business Models" for these companies, final presentations, and the selection of the winning team.
  • Each phase of the program incorporated presentations by the workshop facilitator and dedicated team working time.

Conclusion: The "Innovation Camp" organized by WIE Affinity Group IEEE ISET Bizerte SB, IEEE WIE ISET Bizerte, and the 4C Center at ISET Bizerte, in partnership with INJAZ Tunisia, successfully engaged students in a dynamic program aimed at instilling the importance of innovation. The hands-on approach and collaborative learning environment not only fostered creativity but also equipped students with essential skills for their professional journey.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 28 Nov 2023
  • Time: 08:00 AM UTC to 02:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Campus universitaire Manzel Abderrahmane
  • BP n° 65
  • Bizerte, Bizerte
  • Tunisia 7035

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Survey: Fill out the survey
  • Starts 23 November 2023 07:00 PM UTC
  • Ends 27 November 2023 09:00 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge