Senior Member Elevation (a Virtual Event!)

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IEEE Southeastern Michigan Senior Member Elevation 1st event of 2024!

IEEE Senior Member is the highest IEEE member grade for which IEEE members can apply and does not incur any additional cost or fees. The Senior Member grade is a way for the IEEE members to receive recognition for their professional experience and significant performance in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and the related fields including Computer Science and Information Technology, Physical Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law, and Policy.

The advancement to Senior Member provides the IEEE members with significant and distinct benefits. These benefits include the eligibility to hold Executive IEEE Volunteer Positions and getting recognition of your peers for technical and professional excellence. Newly elevated senior members will also receive an engraved senior member plaque from IEEE.

Senior Member Elevation:

IEEE SEM Section Membership Committee will reprise its Senior Member Elevation event, on January 5th, 2024 between  4:00 PM and 05:30 PM (online).


Senior Member Reviewers will assist interested member candidates with at least 10 years of experience in their profession.

The way it works is:

At least a 10 years of significant experience with BS degree needs be be established to initiate the senior membership elevation.
(A Ph.D is considered to be 5 years of significant experience and a master degree is considered to be 2 years of significant experience. The remaining 5 (with PhD) to 8 (with MS degree) years of significant experience should be established from the member experience in his/her profession to initiate and submit applications for Senior Member Elevation.)

Note: There is no cost to becoming a Senior Member, and this step is a necessary prelude to seeking the IEEE ‘Fellow’ level.   For a complete description of the Senior Member process and its benefits, see the link at:

To sign up for "Elevation" Time Slot, please register on this site for the event and consider contacting existing senior members/fellows as references; also bring an electronic copy of your resume, and relevant supporting materials (list of papers published, standards work done, patents, senior/leadership positions, etc).

Here is a link to useful checklist before filing your application. Also you may seek to contact or network with other Southeastern Michigan Section members who were upgraded to senior status. You may find some of them profiled in our monthly newsletter - Wavelengths!


 *  We recommend that attendees join us online, we will create several breakout rooms, one for each reference (at least)

  Date and Time




  • Date: 05 Jan 2024
  • Time: 04:00 PM to 05:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
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  • Contact Event Host
  • Event takes place on Friday, January 5th 2024 ☺️

  • Co-sponsored by Sharan Kalwani
  • Starts 11 December 2023 04:15 PM
  • Ends 05 January 2024 11:55 AM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • 0 virtual spaces left!
  • No Admission Charge


Mohamad Berri Mohamad Berri of IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section


Senior Elevation

Did you know?

  • You can only hold certain executive positions within the IEEE if you are a Senior Member.
  • You can only become an IEEE Fellow if you are a Senior Member.

IEEE designated fields:

IEEE Fields are broad and it is not just for electrical Engineers;

IEEE-designated fields are: Engineering; Computer Sciences and Information Technology; Physical Sciences Biological and Medical Sciences; Mathematics; Technical Communications; Education; Management; Law and Policy.

Applicant Responsibility:

  • Whether through self nomination or other form of nomination, applicants for Senior Membership elevation must complete the Application form online at
  • Application form must include:
    • 10 years professional practice inclusive of five (5) years significant performance in any of the IEEE designated fields.
    • Upload of Resume/CV and other supporting documentation.
    • Three References if self nominated or Two References if nominated by a Senior Member or Fellow grade.
  • Follow up with references to support your application in a timely manner (within 1-2 weeks) prior to panel review.
  • Provide your references with your CV or resume to assist with filling the information required of them as your referee.

Some significant performance indicators used by the review panel review application include but are not limited to:


  • Faculty developing courses within the IEEE designated fields that are innovative and unique
  • Undergraduate teachers demonstrating excellence and dedication that might exceptional student accomplishments or include coaching in Lego League or Robotics. (teachers who are engineers and computer scientists)
  • Performing research with some measure of success (e.g. refereed papers)
  • Publishing in high level recognized journals
  • Publication of technical papers, books or inventions/patents
  • Department Chair title
  • Supervising successful PhD students


  • Performing research with some measure of success (e.g. refereed papers)
  • Responsible for or a significant contributor to invention(s)/patent(s) advancing technologies
  • Significant contributions related to standards development (e.g., chair, project editor)


  • Patents issued
  • Technical direction or leadership of important technical or professional work with evidence of accomplishment
  • Recognized leadership, often as Team leader, supervisor, program manager, project manager or director titles
  • Substantial design, development or project responsibility, or achievement
  • Significant contributions related to standards development (e.g., chair, project editor)

Other Contributions within the IEEE designated fields

  • Professional awards, licenses may be considered as substantiation of professional experience and performance
  • Recognized contributions to the welfare of technical profession (e.g. IEEE Volunteer efforts especially positions of leadership on major IEEE boards and societies)
  • Contributes significant technical content, not within the scope of the IEEE fields
    of interest, to IEEE standards, e.g., medical content to an IEEE standard for
    medical equipment.
  • Technical Editing – generally of recognized journals, etc.
  • Patent Prosecution or Patent Law or Intellectual Property– provided these contributions serve to advance progress substantially in IEEE designated fields

How can we assist members to be elevated to Senior Member Rank?

  • We will assist you to identify references to support your application if you contact
  • Be sure to attach your resume or CV as part of the application.
  • Ensure your Collabratec member profile is updated and visible to other IEEE members.
  • We will try to match your Resume/CV and connect you to a suitable reference who is able to assist you.


We encourage eligible members to apply for senior member elevation to increase their chances of serving in higher positions within IEEE.We do a Senior Member Event (I don't call it a rodeo) about every other year. The senior members who we ask to be a reference resist when we tried to do it every year

I pull the list of senior eligible members and I send them an invitation. I ask them to respond if they are interested and I usually get 20 - 30.

I ask them to fill out the information in the app and to update their resume.

I submit their name in the app so they will only need 2 references.

We hold the event in the back room of a local pizza restaurant and scatter tables around the room with a senior member who is willing to talk to the candidates and review their resume and then fill out the reference. I try to find someone who knows them or works at the same company and knows what kind of work they do to be their reference. We usually have pizzas and people stick around and talk.

Occasionally I have a couple that can't make it and I try to arrange for someone in their company to endorse them.

I follow up with the references (not usually a problem).

I also follow up to make sure the candidates have completed their part and submitted it.

We usually get 15 - 20 who follow through and get approved.

Other inks



Mohamad Berri is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section and the Chair for the Membership Development Committee. By the way - he also takes care of our History Page too!



Sharan Kalwani Sharan Kalwani of IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section


Senior member elevation

Some of the benefits of Senior member status include: 

Recognition: The professional recognition of your peers for technical and professional excellence. Announcement of your elevation can be made in Section/Society and/or local newsletters, newspapers, and notices.

Complimentary Society Membership: You will receive one new IEEE Society for free

Leadership Eligibility: Senior members are eligible to hold executive IEEE volunteer positions.

Review Panel: Senior members are invited to be on the panel to review Senior member applications.

Senior Member Plaque: An engraved plaque you can proudly display to colleagues, clients, and employers.

Letter of Commendation: A letter of commendation on the achievement of Senior member grade will be sent to your employer (upon request).


A seasoned scientifc, technical and computing professional, Sharan has spent over 25+ years implementing many new and pioneering technologies from operating systems (UNIX/BSD/UNICOS/Irix/Linux/Solaris/), high performance computing (Cray, SGI, various clusters), engineering applications (CAE/CFD simulation software), optimization, networking (TCP/IP, Infiniband), operations (ITIL, ITSM), scientific domain (BioInformatics), and project management. An inspiring speaker and author, Sharan looks to raise the professional approach of every individual he interacts with. He has worked in many diverse areas and is a sought after speaker at many conferences and seminars, such as Supercomputing, HPC Advisory Council, SIAM, Infiniband Trade Association, Association of Information Technology Professionals, etc.

He enjoys teaching, contributing to STEM activities and publishing. He is a senior member of IEEE, ACM, Emeritus member of Michigan!/usr/group (, and leads the SEMCO.ORG. He has published a book on the topic: "UNIX and TCP/IP network security" " ISBN: 1581430213; and is now working on his second text, about a new computer programming language. He has been the Chair of the IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section since November 2021 and has held various officer roles in different chapters of the Southeastern Michigan IEEE. He also serves as one of the writers/editors of the Sections monthly newsletter - Wavelengths. He has also served as Vice-Chair of IEEE Sustech 2022IEEE SusTech 2021 Global Conferences. He is the recipient of:

* 2018 IEEE MGA Achievement award,

* 2021 IEEE Region 4 Jack Sherman award and

* 2022 Robert Neff Section award

for his contributions towards IEEE activities.




Online Link (TBD)


04:00 PM - Coffee/Tea (on your own), Introductions, and Elevation processing.  

05:30 PM - Wrap up, Clean up, Solidify new friendships, contacts, networking and temporarily say 'Good bye'

IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section Membership Elevation event (more to come in case you miss this one).

Potential senior members - if you missed this due to prior plans (e.g. travel, vacation, etc.) do contact the organizers so they can schedule more such events to benefit our IEEE members. Thank you.


Senior Elevation Flyer - January 2024 Senior Elevation Flyer - January 2024 336.49 KiB