Austin IEEE Young Professionals: Tech Talk & Happy Hour
Come join the IEEE Austin Young Professionals for a tech talk and happy hour at Moontower Cider Company on April 25th! It's a great opportunity to meet fellow young professionals in the engineering industry in Austin and to expand your network. All are welcome and the event is free of charge!
Statistical Physical Key Generation for Decentralized Identity Protocols
Information security today is highly centralized, users have to trust third parties to ensure that their data is encrypted. Hundreds of millions of data breaches occur every year, including those carried out by social engineers. A mass migration to online work & education renders a demand for trust, validation & work-content management. Once knowledge & skills are acquired, they are permanent and cannot be transferred, duplicated, or stolen; users have complete ownership of their knowledge & skills, as they are non-fungible.
Date and Time
- Date: 25 Apr 2024
- Time: 11:00 PM UTC to 02:00 AM UTC
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- 1916 Tillery St
- Austin, Texas
- United States 78723
- Building: Moontower Cider Company
- Click here for Map
Cyber-Physical Noise Meets Web 3.0
Christiana Chamon Garcia received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA, in 2017 and the M.S. and and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA, in 2020 and 2022, respectively. She is currently an Instructional Assistant Professor for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA.
In 2016 she was a Hardware Design Intern and in 2017 a Product Management Intern with Hewlett Packard Enterprise. In 2022, she was an Applications Engineer at Vidatronic Inc. In August of 2024, she will be an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) for the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA. Her research interests include unconditional (information-theoretic) security over the wire, decentralized identity methods for trust and privacy, noise fingerprinting for user authentication, unconditionally secure electronics design, human-computer interaction for cyber-physical applications, challenging scientific dogma, analog electronics design for security applications, and engineering education.
Dr. Garcia is a 2023 Future Faculty Diversity Program (FFDP) Fellow, 2023 WISCPROF: Future Faculty in Engineering Workshop Fellow, 2020-2021 Ebensberger Fellow and a member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), and Golden Key International Honor Society.
6:00 - 6:45pm: Networking
6:45 - 7:45pm: Presentation
7:45 - 8:15pm: Q & A
8:15 - 9:00pm: Networking