Panel session with IEEE Transaction on Education (ToE) and IEEE transaction on Learning Technologies (TLT) Editors in Chief and Associate Editors

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Panel session with IEEE Transaction on Education (ToE) and IEEE transaction on Learning Technologies (TLT) Editors in Chief and Associate Editors

One of the principal activities of the IEEE Education Society is the operation of its publications. Current publications include the IEEE Access: IEEE Education Society Section (est. 2020), IEEE Transactions on Education (IEEE ToE, est. 1963, formerly IRE Transactions on Education, est. 1958), the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (IEEE TLT, est. 2008), and the IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (IEEE RITA, est. 2006).

This session will discuss about the IEEE Transactions on Education (IEEE ToE) and the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (IEEE TLT). 

  Date and Time




  • Date: 19 Apr 2024
  • Time: 04:00 PM UTC to 05:50 PM UTC
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  • IEEE Education Society
  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 21 March 2024 04:00 AM UTC
  • Ends 19 April 2024 04:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


John of University College London


Welcome and Introduction to IEEE Education Week 2024 Education Society ToE and TLT Panel



John E. Mitchell is a Professor of Communications Systems Engineering in the UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Co-Director of the Centre for Engineering Education in the UCL Faculty of Engineering Sciences. His research is focused on optical and wireless access systems, considering optical fibre access, millimeter-wave radio access, as well as systems that combine these two areas, specifically to support mobile front/back haul systems. This work has been funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the European Union (FP7, Marie-Curie), the UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and industry (including BT and SELEX ES). Between 2012 and 2016 he led the introduction of the Integrated Engineering Programme, a major revision of the curriculum across the engineering faculty. He has published widely on curriculum development, active learning and issues of diversity within engineering education as well as in optical and wireless access systems including work on optical fibre access, millimeter-wave radio access and radio-over-fibre technologies to support mobile front/back haul systems.

Address:London, United Kingdom

Ann of Miami University


What IEEE Transactions on Education Can Mean to You!

Abstract: The Education Society’s premier education research journal supports a venue that members working in academia can use to disseminate innovations in post-secondary engineering education. Published innovations are rigorously assessed to ensure the validity of claimed learning outcomes in their classroom application. For those members who are outside of academics, consulting our journal for cutting-edge topics in their engineering discipline provide the benefit of keeping on top of the latest developments, thereby supporting lifelong learning.




Ann Sobel is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science & Software Engineering Department at Miami University. Ann has served as a ToE Associate Editor from 2013-2022. She also established in 2009 a computing education column for IEEE-CS Computer and served as its editor while regularly contributing content until 2020. Ann was a member of the IEEE Steering Committee on Engineering Education for a decade, a long-time member of the IEEE-CS Educational Advisory Board, and served as conference & program chair of multiple computer science/software engineering education conferences. She was the Co-Chair of the Steering Committee for the 2004 IEEE-CS/ACM Software Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum Guidelines. Her research interests include cybersecurity, formal specification methods, and software engineering education & practice. Sobel received a Ph.D. in computer science from The Ohio State University.

Address:Miami, United States

Sambit of National Institute of Technology Rourkela


The art of research publishing: A tour for early career researchers

Abstract: The lecture on "The art of research publishing: A tour for early career researchers" attempts to address early career researchers helping them with a comprehensive guide to improve their ability to publish their research. Due to lack of some basic understandings, excellent researchers miss out opportunities of publication or fail to create the impression they deserve. This talk helps to grasp the basic fundamentals and methods that makes a research appealing to editors and readers and thus makes the chance of acceptance and visibility higher.


Sambit Bakshi is currently with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India. He also serves as Head of the Centre for Automation Technology at National Institute of Technology Rourkela. His area of interest includes surveillance, biometric security, digital forensics, and social security analytics. He presently serves as associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, IEEE Transactions on Education and IEEE Systems Journal. He previously served as Associate Editor of IEEE IT Professional magazine, IEEE Access, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering Springer: A NASA Journal, Expert Systems with Applications, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Image and Vision Computing, Multimedia Systems, Multimedia Tools and Applications, and Neural Processing Letters, Plos One, and Expert Systems in the past. He is a senior member of IEEE. He is Founding Chair of IEEE Rourkela Subsection and IEEE Kolkata Section Biometrics Council Chapter. He is a distinguished lecturer of IEEE Systems Council for 2023-2025 and distinguished lecturer of IEEE Women in Engineering for 2024-2025. He has published widely in more than 100 journals and conferences.

Address:odisha, India

Minjuan of San Diego State University


Publishing in IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies (TLT)

Abstract: This presentation will provide an introduction to this growing journal and an overview of its scope and focus. The Editors (Wang and her associate- Zappatore) will zoom into the “trendy” topics, upcoming special issues, the review process, and the author resources center. They will also share tips for successful publishing a research paper in this journal, from submission to revision to effective communication with the editorial board.


As of July 2022, the IEEE Education Society’s Board of Governors appointed Dr. Minjuan Wang, Professor of Learning Design and Tech at San Diego State University, and iLRN’s VP in International Relations, as the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT).

Established in 2008, IEEE-TLT currently has a high impact factor and is considered a top-tier journal by several international academic journal ranking systems. It is one of the very few journals that are indexed by SSCI, SCI, and EI. Mark J. W. Lee, who is a current member of the EdSoc BoG and iLRN board, served as its EiC from January 2019 - June 2022. View IEEE TLT on IEEE Xplore. 

Address:San Diego, United States

Marco of University of Salento


How to become a successful reviewer for IEEE TLT



Marco Zappatore (M.Sc. telecommunication engineering 2008, Ph.D. information engineering, 2012) is currently a senior researcher in database and information systems at the Department of Engineering for Innovation at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy). His research interests include data and knowledge management, mobile crowd sensing and citizen science, novel technological approaches and didactic paradigms for STEM education, ICT solutions for wireless propagation estimation, computer-assisted translation, and data-augmented machine translation. He is an IEEE Senior Member (IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Education Society, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society). He is Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. He is also a reviewer for several international scientific journals on data management, and STEM education. He is also a TPC member of several international IEEE conferences on computer science, big data technologies, e-education, and cloud-learning.

Address:Salento, Italy


12:00 –12:10 PM  John E. Mitchell Vice President Publication

Welcome and Introduction

12:10 – 12:30 PM  Ann Sobel Editor in Chief  IEEE Transaction on Education (ToE) 

Title: What IEEE Transactions on Education Can Mean to You!

12:30 – 12:45 PM  Sambit Bakshi – Associate editor IEEE Transaction on Education (ToE) 

Title: The art of research publishing: A tour for early career researchers.

12:45 - 1:20 PM – Minjuan Wang Editor in Chief IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies (TLT)  and Marco Zappatore: Associate editor IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies (TLT)

Title: Publishing in IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies (TLT)

1:20– 1:40 PM - Discussions & Questions & Answers 

1:40– 1:50 PM  - John E. Mitchell

Closing Remarks