Computational Intelligence (IEEE Slovenia CIS, CIS11) at ERK 2024 track Computer and Information Science (sessions CS) and Technical Presentations
Full ERK conference proceedings link (open access):
IEEE CIS Slovenia website link:
IEEE Slovenia CIS annual chapter meeting with technical presentations at ERK (Portorož, Slovenia)
Computational Intelligence (IEEE Slovenia CIS, CIS11) sessions at ERK have become a tradition, as the CIS11 chapter meeting with technical presentations at the ERK conference. These meetings foster the mission of CIS1: "Advancing nature-inspired computational paradigms in science and engineering to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.". The chapter meeting also includes promotion of the other activities and events of the chapter, membership, and leadership engagement opportunities.
Organizer: Aleš Zamuda, CIS11 chair
Visit the IEEE CIS Slovenia website here:
About the encompasing event: 33rd International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2024
The ERK 2024 conference will be held on September 26-27, 2024 in Congress Center Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia. The conference is organized by the IEEE Slovenia Section together with Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana and other Slovenian professional societies. The Conference is bilingual, with presentations in English and Slovenian.
Visit the ERK 2024 conference website here:
Part A) Opening, welcome & materials (Portorož, 9:00 in C)
09:30 - Aleš Zamuda. Introducing awards & sponsors (IEEE Slovenia Section, UL FE, UM FERI).
09:35 - Aleš Zamuda. Reporting & review: Chapter meeting reporting on vTools.
09:40 - Jani Dugonik. Presenting NVIDIA courses on Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++ and Fundamentals of Deep Learning.
09:50 - Aleš Zamuda. Chapter activities report for R8 (overview & discussion - sample report)
10:00 - Aleš Zamuda. Chapter volunteering leadership biddings.
10:15-10:30 - Discussion, Closing Remarks & Announcing ERK technical program CS with CS.1, CS.2, and CS.3.
Other by IEEE CIS Slovenia Chapter currently promoted IEEE CIS events:
- IEEE WCCI 2024
- IEEE CAI 2024
- IEEE SSCI 2025
- all supported by IEEE CIS ISATC (Intelligent Systems Applications Technical Committee), Aleš Zamuda - IEEE CIS ISATC Vice Chair for Conferences
Links to co-sponsors of the event:
IEEE Slovenia Section,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana,
- University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (UM FERI),
- included in EU project DAPHNE (DAPHNE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957407) -
IEEE Slovenia CIS annual chapter meeting part
- starts 9:30 in C (DD1) Letno srečanje odbora IEEE CIS/ IEEE CIS Meeting
- 09:00-09:30 Participants arrival, registration
Part B) Technical papers (11:00-13:00, 14:00-16:00, 16:15-18:15)
Track: Računalništvo in informatika / Computer and Information Science
Part C) Associated Lightning Talks:
- Danilo Korže, Aleš Zamuda: Testing DaphneDSL Simple Matrix Operations. [slides]
- Klemen Berkovič, Aleš Zamuda: Presentation at ERK 2024 [slides].
Date and Time
- Start time: 25 Sep 2024 04:00 PM UTC
- End time: 27 Sep 2024 02:00 PM UTC
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- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by IEEE Slovenia Section; Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana; UM FERI (included in EU project DAPHNE); and other Slovenian professional societies
CS.1 Streaming Computational Intelligence / Procesna računalniška inteligenca
26.09.2024 ob/at 11:00 v/in D
Preds./Chair: Aleš Zamuda
1. Experimental pipeline definition for surface high-density electromyogram (HDEMG) processing / Definicija eksperimentalnega cevovoda za obdelavo večkanalnih površinskih elektromiogramov (HDEMG)
Matjaž Divjak, UM FERI
Aleš Zamuda, UM FERI
2. Very Large Scale Global Optimization with Randomised Optimisation Algorithms in DAPHNE / Globalna optimizacija zelo velikih dimenzij z naključenimi optimizacijskimi algoritmi v DAPHNE
Aleš Zamuda, UM FERI
3. Loops of the Domain-specific Programming Language DaphneDSL / Zanke domensko specifičnega
programskega jezika DaphneDSL
Borko Bošković, UM FERI
Janez Brest, UM FERI
Aleš Zamuda, UM FERI
4. Influence of Encoder Selection on Acquired Reward in a Hybrid NARM-XCS Algorithm / Analiza vplivov kodirnikov na doseženo okrepitveno nagrado hibridnega algoritma NARM-XCS
Damijan Novak, UM FERI
Domen Verber, UM FERI
Iztok Fister, UM FERI
Iztok Fister ml., UM FERI
5. Analysis of dynamic optimization algorithms with confidence bands based on ratings / Analiza algoritmov dinamične optimizacije s pasovi zaupanja na podlagi ratingov
Matej Moravec, UM FERI
Miha Ravber, UM FERI
Matej Črepinšek, UM FERI
6. Hibridne entitetno-relacijske in grafne podatkovne baze
Blaž Celarc, FRI, UL
Luka Šajn, FRI, UL
7. Digital Strategic Communication: the Case of the 1st DAPHNE Symposium / Digitalno strateško komuniciranje: primer
1. simpozija DAPHNE
Tina Tomažič, UM FERI
Eva Sophie Paulusberger, KNOW-CENTER GmbH, Graz
Aleš Zamuda, UM FERI
CS.2 Visual Computing / Vizualno računanje
26.09.2024 ob/at 14:00 v/in D
Preds./Chair: Ciril Bohak
8. Contiuous Spectral Volume Rendering
Alen Kurtagić, FRI, UL
Matija Marolt, FRI, UL
Žiga Lesar, FRI, UL
Ciril Bohak, FRI, UL
9. Discretised spectral volume rendering / Diskretizirano spektralno upodabljanje volumetričnih podatkov
Jernej Jezeršek, FMF, UL
Matija Marolt, FRI, UL
Žiga Lesar, FRI, UL
Ciril Bohak, FRI, UL
10. Comparison of null-collision radiance estimators in light transport
Brin Colnar, FRI, UL
Matija Marolt, FRI, UL
Ciril Bohak, FRI, UL
Žiga Lesar, FRI, UL
11. Polygonal Mesh Connectivity Compression using Graph Symmetries
Andrej Jočić, FRI, UL
Uroš Čibej, FRI, UL
Matija Marolt, FRI, UL
Ciril Bohak, FRI, UL
Žiga Lesar, FRI, UL
12. Sensitivity analysis of DBSCAN algorithm for segmentation of LiDAR data / Občutljivostna analiza algoritma DBSCAN za segmentacijo podatkov LiDAR
Niko Lukač, UM FERI
Niko Uremović, UM FERI
Monika Ferk Ovčjak, UM FERI
Domen Kavran, UM FERI
Marko Bizjak, UM FERI
13. Influence of the feature threshold in Evolutionary Feature Selection
Uroš Mlakar, UM FERI
14. Genetic Algorithm for Drawing Undirected Graph's Layouts
Ekaterina Bochvaroska, FMNSIT, Kp
Aleksandar Tošić, FMNSIT, Kp
CS.3 Neural Networks and Software Platforms / Nevronske mreže in programske platforme
26.09.2024 ob/at 16:15 v/in D
Preds./Chair: Aleš Zamuda
15. Concept drift detection in image data streams using the Gan Loss Drift Detection Method (GLDD) / Zaznavanje spremembe učnega koncepta na podatkovnih tokovih slik z metodo Gan Loss Drift Detection (GLDD)
Jan Kuhta, FRI, UL
Zoran Bosnić, FRI, UL
16. Efficient method for batch training of graph recurrent neural networks / Učinkovita metoda paketnega učenja grafovskih povratnih nevronskih mrež
Niko Uremović, UM FERI
Ulrich Zorin, UM FERI
Domen Mongus, UM FERI
Niko Lukač, UM FERI
17. Weakly supervised learning with Snorkel / Šibko nadzorovano učenje z orodjem Snorkel
Matjaž Kukar, FRI, UL
Bjorn Bračko, FRI, UL
18. Neural-network-based Volume Compression
Anže Kristan, FRI, UL
Matija Marolt, FRI, UL
Ciril Bohak, FRI, UL
Žiga Lesar, FRI, UL
19. GenIATraP: General Intelligent Agent Training Platform / GenIATraP: Splošna platforma za učenje inteligentnih agentov
Marko Šmid, UM FERI
Matej Črepinšek, UM FERI
Miha Ravber, UM FERI
20. Decision Transformer for Plate Heat Exchanger control
Jay Bojič Burgos, FE, UL
Matevž Pustišek, FE, UL
Igor Škrjanc, FE, UL
21. Extracting Competencies from Job Adverts and Academic Syllabi: A Large Language Model Approach
Viktor Andonovikj, IJS
Pavle Boškoski, IJS
Slides CS.1:
Testing DaphneDSL Simple Matrix Operations | Part C Associated Lightning Talk by Danilo Korže and Aleš Zamuda. | 69.38 KiB |
Slides from talk Loops of ... | Slides from talk by Borko Bošković, Janez Brest, Aleš Zamuda: Loops of the Domain-specific Programming Language DaphneDSL | 234.79 KiB |
Klemen Berkovič - Presentation at ERK 2024 CIS11 | 53.67 KiB | |
ERK 2024 CS CIS DAPHNE EU UM team photo | 2.87 MiB |