Tuesday July 9th 2024 - IEEE Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Reliability Chapter Adcom Meeting


IEEE Reliability Society- Joint Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Chapter Adcom meeting.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 09 Jul 2024
  • Time: 10:00 PM UTC to 12:00 AM UTC
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  • Contact Event Host
  • IEEE RELIABILITY SOCIETY Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Adcom meeting

  • Starts 29 June 2024 04:00 AM UTC
  • Ends 10 July 2024 12:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


  1. Call to Order

  2. Opening Remarks

  3. Officer Reports

    1. Secretary

      1. AdCom Meeting Minutes

    2. Treasurer

      1. Awards

      2. Financials

    3. Vice Chair

      1. Technical Meeting Schedule

      2. Potential Technical Meeting Presentations

      3. Newsletter

    4. Chair Report

      1. Recent Technical Meeting Attendance

        1. Upcoming Technical Meeting Registration

              1. Ethan Cascio, 26-JUN-2024 at Lincoln Laboratory Main Cafeteria

                1. Cancelled. 29 in person registrants plus 13 virtual registrants


    5. Old Business

      1. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Appreciation / Thank You Plaque and Presentation
      2. Proposed creation of IEEE Boston Reliability Chapter brochure
        Targeting the Younger Demographic - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
      3. Website Status

        1. Webmaster moving to Colorado

    6. New Business

      1. MGA election requirements

        1. Nominating committee to form 01-AUG-2024

          1. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IPsotdH0m2EhNcmQV6N--R0UfxMF6vUv/edit#slide=id.g2d11c772135_0_1557

      2. MGA will be hosting the second set of training sessions on 15 July 2024 - there are three available times to choose from to accommodate different time zones.

        Training Session Registration Details:

        Please click below to register for the session that best fits your schedule. The password for registration if prompted is MGAelections.

      3. Joint Meeting with SMTA on 11-SEP-2024 at Nano Dimensions
      4. Joint Meeting with NE ESDA on 09-OCT-2024

    7. For August September (Annually)

      1. Past Chairs Meeting invitations / RSVPs
        Officer Election – Open October 30 / Close December 4

      2. Schedule Next AdCom Meeting

        1. TBD.

    8. Closing Remarks

    9. Adjournment


Adcom Meeting Minutes, 2024-07-09 169.46 KiB