Distinguished talk by Dr. Achintya Bhowmik, Adjunct Professor, Stanford School of Medicine on "Transforming Hearing Aids into Multifunctional Communication and Health Devices with AI" and Award Ceremony

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Talk Synopsis:

Transforming Hearing Aids into Multifunctional Communication and Health Devices with Artificial Intelligence

With over 1.5 billion people suffering from hearing impairments according to the World Health Organization, hearing aids are crucially important medical wearable devices. Untreated hearing loss has been linked to increased risks of social isolation, depression, dementia, fall injuries, and other health issues. However, partly due to the historical stigma associated with assistive devices and functional limitations, only a small fraction of people who need help with hearing have actually adopted the devices.

In this talk, the speaker will present a new class of multifunctional hearing and health devices with embedded sensors and artificial intelligence. With an extremely energy-efficient embedded deep neural network accelerator, these devices continuously classify sound with advanced machine learning algorithms, enhance speech and reduce noise, serve as a continuous monitor for physical and cognitive activities, an automatic fall detection and alert system, as well as a personal assistant with connectivity to the cloud. Furthermore, these devices stream audio from phones and other devices with two-day battery life, translate languages, transcribe speech, and remind the wearer of medication and other tasks.

Rapid advances in sensors and artificial intelligence are bringing an array of new devices, applications, and user benefits to the world. We will discuss how these technologies are transforming the traditional hearing aids into smart multipurpose devices, helping people not only hear better but live better lives.

Award Winners:

Industry Rising Star: Dwith Chenna, AMD

Best Student Volunteer: Anbu Valluvan Devadasan, SJSU

Speaker Appreciation: Atul Kumar


  Date and Time




  • Date: 12 Aug 2024
  • Time: 06:00 PM to 08:30 PM
  • All times are (GMT-08:00) US/Pacific
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  • AMD
  • 2100 Logic Dr
  • San Jose, California
  • United States 95124
  • Building: 4
  • Room Number: LC1/LC2

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  • Starts 27 July 2024 12:00 AM
  • Ends 11 August 2024 12:00 AM
  • All times are (GMT-08:00) US/Pacific
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Dr. Achin Bhowmik


Transforming Hearing Aids into Multifunctional Communication and Health Devices with Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Achin Bhowmik

ChiefTechnology Officer, Starkey Hearing

Adjunct Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine


Dr. Achin Bhowmik is the chief technology officer and executive vice president of engineering at Starkey Hearing, a privately-held medical devices company with over 5,000 employees and operations in over 100 countries. In this role, he is responsible for the company’s technology strategy, global research, product development and engineering departments.

He is an adjunct professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine, where he advises research and lectures in the areas of cognitive neuroscience, sensory augmentation, computational perception, and intelligent systems. He is also an affiliate faculty member of the Stanford Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute and the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.

Previously, Dr. Bhowmik was vice president and general manager of the Perceptual Computing Group at Intel, where he was responsible for the R&D, operations, and businesses in the areas of 3D sensing and interactive computing, computer vision and artificial intelligence, autonomous robots and drones, and immersive virtual and merged reality devices.

Dr. Bhowmik is a member of the board of trustees for the National Captioning Institute, board of directors for Mojo Vision and OpenCV, board of advisors for the Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership at the University of California, Berkeley, and industry advisory board for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He has authored over 200 publications, including two books and over 80 granted patents.

His awards and honors include Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), President and Fellow of the Society for Information Display (SID), Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), Artificial Intelligence Excellence award by the Business Intelligence Group, Gold Globee award for “Most Innovative Person of the Year in Healthcare”, Top 25 Healthcare Technology CTOs by the Healthcare Technology Report, Healthcare Heroes award by the Business Journals, Industrial Distinguished Leader award from the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, TIME’s Best Inventions, and the Red Dot Design award.

More about him at https://profiles.stanford.edu/achintya-bhowmik


6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Networking over cheese pizza

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Dr. Achintya Bhowmik, adjunct professor at the Stanford School of Medicine

7:31 pm - 8 pm Award Presentation

8 pm - 8:30 pm Photos and networking