Induction Program - First year
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT) Student Branch (IEEE JUIT SB) in collaboration with Membership Development Committee (MDC), IEEE Delhi Section, IEEE WIE JUIT SB an IEEE SIGHT JUIT SB organized an engaging event titled "Induction Program- First year” on July 24 2024.
An induction program for first-year students in IEEE aimed to familiarize them with the organization's offerings, connect them with peers and professionals, and encourage active participation. Prof. Shruti Jain, Branch Counsellor, IEEE JUIT SB, Member SIGHT Delhi Section, Member MDC Delhi Section, Member SAC, Delhi Section and Treasurer WIE AG Delhi Section was the speaker of the event.
Dr. Shruti Jain is an Associate Dean (Innovation) and Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, H.P, India. She has received her Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in Electronics and Communication Engineering. She has teaching experience of around 19
years. She has filed ten patents, of which three have been granted and seven are published. She has published more than 30 book chapters and 130 research papers in reputed indexed journals (with IF ~ 70) and in international conferences. She has also published 14 books. She has completed two government-sponsored projects. She has guided 07 PhD students and now has 05 registered students. She has also guided 11 M. Tech scholars and more than 110 B. Tech undergrads. She has organized 12 conferences of IEEE and Springer as Conference General Chair. Her research interests are Image and Signal Processing, Soft Computing, Internet-of-things, Pattern Recognition, Bio-inspired Computing, and Computer-Aided Design of FPGA and VLSI circuits. She is a senior member of IEEE, an Executive member of the IEEE Delhi Section, a life member and Executive member of the Biomedical Engineering Society of India, and a member of IAENG. She is a member of the Editorial Board of many reputed journals. She is also a reviewer of many journals and a member of TPC of different conferences. She was awarded the Nation Builder Award in 2018-19 and enlisted in 2% of scientists of world rankings of 2021 and 2023 published by Elsevier, data compiled by Stanford University.
Initially, she provided a brief history of IEEE, its global impact, and its mission. She explained the organizational structure, including global headquarters, regional sections, local chapters, and student branches. She described various technical societies (e.g., IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Power & Energy Society) and their roles. She highlighted Membership Benefits like Professional Development, Networking Opportunities, Skills Development, Career Guidance, Publications and Resources.
She also informed students about the role and working of the WIE Affinity group and the SIGHT Chapter of JUIT. Approximately 225 students attended the event by the first year of B.Tech. students. The feedback from the students was very positive. Many first-year students appreciated the detailed information about IEEE's structure and benefits. They found Dr. Shruti Jain's talk inspiring and helpful, especially the parts about networking opportunities and resources for professional growth.
Date and Time
- Start time: 24 Jul 2024 11:00 AM
- End time: 25 Jul 2024 02:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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- Jaypee University Of Information Technology
- Solan, Himachal Pradesh
- India 173234
- Building: Academic Block
- Room Number: Audtorium
- Click here for Map