2024 IEEE Colloquium in Western Pennsylvania (HYBRID)

#IEEE #Pittsburgh; #ieeepgh;

2024 IEEE Colloquium in Western Pennsylvania

Program (All times in eastern time zone)

8:00 am: Registration & breakfast

9:00 am (Presentation 1)

Title: Topic 1. Cloud Network Infrastructure – 25 minutes; Topic 2. Enhance Cloud Network Performance and Reliability by BGP Optimization – 25 minutes; First topic will establish the background and then the second topic will follow. 


10:00 am (Presentation 2)

Title: PR-TDR: Privacy-preserving and Reliable Timed Data Release


10:30 am (Presentation 3)

Title: Digital Twin-based Dynamic Task Assignment for Smart Home Maintenance


11:00 am (Presentation 4)

Title: IEEE Photonics Standards


Noon: Lunch

1:00 pm (Presentation 5)

Title: Power Electronic Devices in Solid-State/Hybrid Circuit Breakers: Current Status and Future Trends

1:30 pm (Presentation 6)

Title: Sizing Reactive Compensation for a Steel Plant to Support a New Descaler With Large Motors

2:00 pm (Presentation 7)

Title: Topic 1. Opportunities and Challenges in Power Flow Control in a Modern Grid – 90 minutes; Topic 2. Commissioning World’s First Commercial-Grade Sen Transformer – 30 minutes; First topic will establish the background and then the second topic will follow.


4:00 pm: adjourn

Place:             4350 Northern Pike, Monroeville, PA 15146; Hybrid meeting. Please RSVP and the meeting link will be emailed to you by the day before the meeting.

RSVP:             Required at https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/434998 by December 2, 2024, 5:00 PM Eastern Time. Please make sure to enter your email address while registering to receive the meeting link.  If you are an IEEE member, please enter your membership number in the RSVP for accurate meeting reporting.

PDH:              If you would like to receive PDH, please send an email after the event to Dr. Kalyan Sen at senkk@ieee.org. Please include your IEEE membership number. You will receive a reply which will serve the same purpose as the signed page for in-person meetings. A non-member who would like to receive PDH is required to pay $10 to “IEEE Pittsburgh Section.”

  Date and Time




  • Date: 07 Dec 2024
  • Time: 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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  • Next Tier Connect @ Pittsburgh East
  • 4350 Northern Pike
  • Monroeville, Pennsylvania
  • United States 15146

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 20 September 2024 12:00 AM
  • Ends 05 December 2024 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • No Admission Charge


Vinay of Google


Topic 1. Cloud Network Infrastructure; Topic 2. Enhance Cloud Network Performance and Reliability by BGP Optimization

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) plays a critical role in the routing infrastructure of cloud networks. BGP determines the best path to use for data transmission across the internet. The Internet consists of thousands of private, public, corporate and government networks linked together through standardized protocols, devices, and communication technologies. However, its inherent limitations, such as slow convergence and suboptimal path selection, can impact performance and reliability. Proposed presentation will explore strategies to optimize BGP for cloud environments. We will discuss techniques like BGP path reduction, configuration optimization, peer group optimization, and traffic engineering to improve network efficiency and reduce latency. We will also explore best practices to monitor and migrate the BGP related issues in the large networks. Additionally, we will delve into BGP security mechanisms and best practices to mitigate risks like route hijacking and DDoS attacks. By implementing these optimizations, network operators can achieve superior performance, scalability, and resilience.


Vinay Tripathi is a highly accomplished Network Engineering leader with over 19 years of experience, driving innovation and operational excellence in network infrastructure. Proven ability to lead complex projects, optimize network performance, and deliver customer-centric solutions. Expertise in a wide range of networking technologies, including routing protocols (ISIS, OSPF, BGP), MPLS, VPNs, and data center technologies (EVPN/VXLAN). Proficient in automation with Golang and Python. Key achievements include leading Google's core network BGP optimization and reliability testing initiatives. Holds three JNCIE certifications and multiple patents for innovative networking solutions. Active in the professional community as a Senior Member of IEEE and Treasurer of the IEEE NoVA section. Passionate about building robust, scalable, and secure networks for the next generation.


Address:United States

Jingzhe of University of Pittsburgh


PR-TDR: Privacy-preserving and Reliable Timed Data Release

Timed Data Release (TDR) is a practical security mechanism that safeguards data until a prescribed time has elapsed. However, existing TDR frameworks do not focus on reliability guarantees and lack formal security analysis. To this end, we propose PR-TDR, a novel framework that supports privacy-preserving and reliable timed data release while providing provable security properties. PR-TDR includes two novel contributions: a formal privacy-preserving design for TDR, named P-TDR and a reliable lifetime secret key management built on top of P-TDR that systematically empowers P-TDR with reliability. P-TDR prevents adversaries from accessing the data prior to the prescribed release time. At the core of the design of P-TDR, a group of decentralized peers, which operates under an honest-majority assumption, collaboratively takes charge of managing the lifetime secret key. Each peer stores a key share of the secret key. The proposed reliability layer that empowers P-TDR with reliability guarantees incorporates two carefully designed protocols that operate before the prescribed release time, namely the lifetime secret key auditing protocol and the lifetime secret key share recovery protocol. The auditing protocol enables a semi-honest auditor to confirm the availability of the lifetime secret key with the peers while not gaining any knowledge about the secret key itself. The recovery protocol allows peers that have lost their respective shares of the lifetime secret key to recover them with the help of other peers, ensuring that the lifetime secret key remains private. We provide formal security proof to demonstrate that PR-TDR satisfies the desired security properties. We implement our framework using Ethereum and our performance evaluations confirm that PR-TDR not only embodies the desired security properties but also operates efficiently.


Jingzhe Wang is a PhD candidate in the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests lie in applied cryptography, with a current focus on developing practical cryptographic methods to safeguard blockchain-based timed data release.


Abdulrahman of University of Pittsburgh


Digital Twin-based Dynamic Task Assignment for Smart Home Maintenance

The integration of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Digital Twin (DT) technologies has shown significant promise in enhancing remote collaboration, enabling synchronization between virtual and physical assets. In complex smart home environments, identifying faults in physical systems and finding service providers with the precise skills remotely required for maintenance is a significant challenge. Current remote services rely on traditional communication methods, such as video calls, which provide limited interaction between remote service providers and physical machines where maintenance problems are located. The Metaverse could bridge this gap by linking virtual and physical spaces using DTs to improve task assignment and the remote service process. We present a framework for Metaverse-oriented remote servicing based on DT that maps fault identification to task allocation. Identified faults serve as the basis for the task assignment optimization model, which aims to improve skill matching between service providers and DTs for people-digital twin task allocation within the remote service for smart homes. The proposed approach considers multi-objective factors by extending the Hungarian algorithm to accommodate task scheduling for dynamic DT task allocation. We evaluated the potential of our approach using remote home maintenance in a use-case of Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning (HVAC) systems. We show that integrating DT improves the skill relevance of the assigned service providers and the reputation of the service providers compared to two baseline methods.


Abdulrahman Alhaidari is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Informatics and Networked Systems at the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests include digital twin integration with the Metaverse and the security of blockchain, with a focus on attack mitigation in decentralized finance (DeFi).


John of Penn State Applied Research Laboratory- EOE Division


IEEE Photonics Standards

This presentation will cover mostly technical aspects of the IEEE Photonics Standards Committee.  The committee scope covers standards development in, but not limited to the following areas of interest: lasers, optical devices, optical fibers, and associated lightwave technologies, and their applications in systems and subsystems, in which the quantum electronic devices are key elements.  The committee is relatively new, having issued three standards, with nine under development.  We meet quarterly at various times to encourage global participation.  The IEEE has established procedures for assuring potential standard value to the industry, avoiding internal and external duplication, that the authors can provide the necessary detail / rigor, and approvals for incremental stages.  Finally, we’ll look at other contiguous photonic standards organizations, the environments, and applications that they cover.  This includes industrial and government organizations, classification of environments in which they work, and categories of the photonics applications in which they are involved.


John Mazurowski is the Chair of the IEEE Photonic Standards Committee, and the Director of the Navy ManTech Electronics Manufacturing Center, and former Department Head of the Fiber Optics and Photonics Department, ARL Electro-Optics and Electronics (EOE) Division, Freeport PA.  Mr. Mazurowski has forty years of experience in the development of microwave, millimeter wave, optical, and photonic devices.  He joined the Penn State Electro-Optics Center (EOC) in January 2005.  Previously, Mr. Mazurowski held positions at Corning Photonics Division, the GE Electronics Laboratory, and Harris RF Communications.  Mr. Mazurowski’s research interests are in systems engineering for sensors and networks, heterogeneous integration, and electronics manufacturing.  Mr. Mazurowski has over forty publications and presentations and holds three patents in optoelectronics.  He is a senior member of the IEEE, chair of the IEEE Pittsburgh Electronic Packaging / Electron Devices Society, and past chair of the SAE AS-3A Fiber Optics and Photonic Applications Committee


Aboubakr of Eaton Corporation

Conventional electromechanical circuit breakers (CBs) are well-established for circuit protection, but new power distribution systems, like DC microgrids, demand faster interruption capabilities. This shift has led to increased focus on solid-state circuit breakers (SSCBs) and hybrid circuit breakers (HCBs), particularly with advancements in power semiconductor technologies. This presentation reviews the current status of SSCBs and HCBs, examining their advantages and limitations, especially in relation to wide-bandgap devices. It categorizes SSCBs and HCBs based on critical aspects, such as power semiconductor devices, main circuit configurations, voltage clamping methods, gate drivers, fault detection, and commutation strategies. Additionally, it addresses the design challenges faced in power-electronics-based circuit breakers and explores emerging trends in semiconductor power devices for SSCB and HCB applications across different voltage and power levels, as well as unique performance demands.


Dr. Salem, Member IEEE ‘14, is a Lead Power Electronics Engineer with Eaton Corporation. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Helwan University, Egypt, in 2004 and 2009, respectively, and his Ph.D. in Electromechanical Engineering from Ghent University, Belgium, in 2015. Dr. Salem has 19 years of experience in academia and industry. Dr. Salem’s research interests include power electronic converters’ design applied to protection and control systems, electric drives, electric vehicles, renewable energy, and smart grid applications. Dr. Salem's funded research includes several international projects, with more than $30 million. He has 40+ publications in reputable journals and conferences and five patents in power electronic converter design and control. Dr. Salem supervised and graduated many master’s and Ph.D. students. Additionally, he is a reviewer in many reputable journals, i.e., Industrial Electronics and Power Electronics IEEE Transactions. Dr. Salem has served as IEEE West Virginia Section Vice-Chair since 2023.


Tom of Eaton Corporation


Sizing Reactive Compensation for a Steel Plant to Support a New Descaler With Large Motors

A steel plant with two plate mills is adding new medium voltage 5000 HP motor loads to their existing power system in association with the new descaler project. These new inductive loads will increase the voltage drop and decrease the existing power factor at the 13.8 kV Turnip Hill Substation and the 138 kV point of common coupling with the utility. This paper first describes the investigation into the available options for supplying electrical power to the proposed new descale pumps at the 140 inch mill, supporting simultaneous operation with the 206 inch mill and the reasoning behind the chosen design. Next, the projected power flows to the descaler for various operating load levels of the mill are used to size reactive compensation. Several options for capacitor banks and filter banks of multiple steps are analyzed to determine the harmonic duty on the banks and reduction in harmonic distortion at the point of common coupling. A specification is given for the recommended filter bank as well as the solution that was implemented. Finally, performance data for the installed filter bank were given.


Thomas J. Dionise, PE, (S’79-M’82-F’19) B.S.E.E. degree from The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, in 1982, and the M.S.E.E. degree with the Power Option from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1984. He is currently a Principal Engineer in the Advanced Power Systems Department, Eaton Corporation, Warrendale. He has over 40 years of power system experience involving analytical studies and power quality investigations of industrial and commercial power systems. In the metals industry, he has specialized in power quality investigations, harmonic analysis and harmonic filter design for electric arc furnaces, rectifiers and VFD applications. He has co-authored over 40 papers, several of which received IAS Transactions, Magazine, and conference Prize Paper Awards. Mr. Dionise is the past Chair of the IEEE Metal Industry Committee and member of the Generator Grounding Working Group. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania.




Sizing Reactive Compensation for a Steel Plant to Support a New Descaler With Large Motors

A steel plant with two plate mills is adding new medium voltage 5000 HP motor loads to their existing power system in association with the new descaler project. These new inductive loads will increase the voltage drop and decrease the existing power factor at the 13.8 kV Turnip Hill Substation and the 138 kV point of common coupling with the utility. This paper first describes the investigation into the available options for supplying electrical power to the proposed new descale pumps at the 140 inch mill, supporting simultaneous operation with the 206 inch mill and the reasoning behind the chosen design. Next, the projected power flows to the descaler for various operating load levels of the mill are used to size reactive compensation. Several options for capacitor banks and filter banks of multiple steps are analyzed to determine the harmonic duty on the banks and reduction in harmonic distortion at the point of common coupling. A specification is given for the recommended filter bank as well as the solution that was implemented. Finally, performance data for the installed filter bank were given.


Sam Morello, PE, received a B.S.E.E. degree from The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1981, and an MBA degree from the Indiana University of PA, Indiana, PA, in 1986.  Mr. Morello is a practicing engineer and manager serving a broad-based clientele for over 40 years.  He has provided expertise to solve problems and implement solutions with the best choice of available technologies.  Mr. Morello was formerly President and presently Principal Engineer of Arm EnerTech Associates, LLC, ARM CAMCO, LLC and ARM AEC, LLC which deliver electrical/mechanical engineering/repair services to a predominantly industrial clientele and employ approximately 100 people.  The companies also design and manufacture process control systems and provide electrical field service/testing.  In the metals industry, through prior engagement with Bethlehem Steel Corporation, he has specialized knowledge in a number of processes, including electric arc furnaces, continuous casting and rolling mills.  Mr. Morello is a member of the IEEE Metal Industry Committee and an active member of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Industrial Advisory Board to the Department of Engineering.  He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of PA, CA, CT, DC, DE, FL, HI, MA, MD, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, SC, TX, VA, and WV.

Kalyan of Sen Engineering Solutions Inc


Opportunities and Challenges in Power Flow Control in a Modern Grid/Commissioning World’s First Commercial-Grade ST

Topic 1 – Electric power grid around the world is being modernized to integrate renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar in an unprecedented scale. This brings unforeseen challenges in integration of inertia-less and intermittent renewable energy sources with a legacy grid that was built with rotating machinery. An opportunity lies ahead to upgrade the power flow controllers from the traditional reactance regulator and phase angle regulator to a modern-day impedance regulator that is capable of regulating the line voltage and controlling the active and reactive power flows in the line independently.

The presentation is designed to provide the basic principles of power flow control theory, an overview of the most commonly used power flow controllers, and future trends. The audience will hear from an expert who actually designed and commissioned a number of power electronics-based FACTS controllers since their inceptions in the 1990s.

Topic 2 – A prototype Sen Transformer was designed to regulate ±6.5 MVA power in a 33 kV line. The unit was manufactured and tested to demonstrate the proof of concept. The test results were as shown in textbooks.



Kalyan Sen is the President & Chief Technology Officer of Sen Engineering Solutions, Inc. (www.sentransformer.com) that specializes in developing SMART power flow controllers—a functional requirements-based and cost-effective solution. He is also an Adjunct Teaching Professor at WPI. Kalyan worked 33 years in academia and industry. He was a key member of the Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) development team at the Westinghouse Science & Technology Center for which he became a Westinghouse Fellow Engineer. He contributed to concept development, simulation, design, and commissioning of FACTS projects at Westinghouse. He conceived some of the basic concepts in power flow control technology for which he was elevated to the IEEE Fellow grade with the citation: for the development and application of power flow control technology. He is the Co-inventor of the Sen Transformer.

Kalyan has authored or coauthored more than 25 peer-reviewed publications, 8 issued patents, 2 books, and 3 book chapters in the areas of power flow control and power electronics. He is the Coauthor of the book titled, Introduction to FACTS Controllers: Theory, Modeling, and Applications (978-0-470-47875-2), IEEE Press and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2009, which is also published in Chinese and Indian paperback editions. His second book is titled, Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid using SMART Power Flow Controllers (ISBN: 978-1-119-82435-0), IEEE Press and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2022.

Kalyan has served many organizations. He has been serving as an IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Distinguished Lecturer since 2002. In that capacity, he has given presentations on power flow control technology more than 190 times in 19 countries. He is the incoming Professional Activities Chair in IEEE R2. He is incoming Life Members Chair in IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT).

In 2003, he reestablished the Pittsburgh Chapters of the PES and the Industry Applications Society (IAS). Both Chapters received the “Outstanding Large Chapter” awards for their activities in 2004. He served as the Founding Chair of IEEE Pittsburgh PELS Chapter that received the Best Chapter Award in 2015. Under his Chairmanship, the IEEE Pittsburgh Section received the “Outstanding Large Section” award for its activities in 2005. He received the IEEE Pittsburgh Section Outstanding Volunteer Service Award (2004 and 2023) and PES Outstanding Engineer Award (2004). His other past positions included Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (2002 – 2007), Technical Program Chair of the 2008 PES General Meeting in Pittsburgh, Chapters, and Sections Activities Track Chair of the 2008 IEEE Sections Congress in Quebec City, Canada, PES R2 Representative (2010 – 2011), PELS R1-R3 and R7 Chair (2016 – 2020) and R4-R6 Chair (2021 – 2023), Pittsburgh SSIT Chapter Chair (2018 – 2021) and Member of the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) Committee (2013 – 2014). He is an inaugural class (2013) graduate of the IEEE CLE Volunteer Leadership Training (VOLT) program. He has been serving as the Special Events Chair of the IEEE Pittsburgh Section and Boy Scouts of America Leader for more than a decade. He is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) who led District 13 of Toastmasters International (TI) as its Governor to be the 10th-ranking District in the world in 2007-8.


Address:126 Pauline Drive, , Monroeville, United States, 15146


All times are in eastern time zone.

8:00 am: Registration & breakfast

9:00 am: 4 presentations

Noon: lunch

1:00 pm: 3 presentations

4:00 pm: adjourn

The meeting link will be emailed to on-line attendees on the day before the event.

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